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                            Filler chapter✧༺♥༻∞

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                            Filler chapter

I woke up the next day.

My eyes were red and puffy from the crying I did last night.

I didn't even have contact of Muichiro..

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I couldn't let my family see that I cried! I'm supposed to be strong..

I wiped my face gently on my towel and headed out to eat breakfast.

"Hey, sweetie!" My mother said.

"Hello.." I tried to sound sweet, but my voice came out croaky, almost like a frog.

My mother shook her head and just handed me my favorite food.

"Figured you would be upset.." was all she said. I felt my throat clog up before returning back to normal again.

I pulled out a chair.

I put the plate of my favorite food and puled out utensils from the container beside me.

"Don't worry, the both of you are gonna meet eventually. I'm sure of it." My mother said. I smiled at her words and felt tears coming down my cheeks again.

"Aww.. my poor baby.. in love with a friend that moved out.." she cooed. I cringed at what she said and made a weird face. We both laughed and ate together.

I smiled, comforted by my mother.


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