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So sorry if it's messy :( this is just a filler chapter✧༺♥༻∞

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So sorry if it's messy :( this is just a filler chapter

The teacher arrived.

"Goodmorning class! As you probably know, there is a new student today! I'm assuming you all probably know her. I'm sorry I arrived a little late! My name is Kanroji Mitsuri." She said, looking at me while saying the last part.

I acknowledged her with a smile and class began.

Time skip to lunch break

I got out of the classroom and looked for a spot in the cafeteria. Unfortunately for me, there were no spots left. I sighed. Being a new student really sucks...

I hurried outside of the building and scanned the area to look for another spot to eat in. I saw a big cherry blossom tree. It had enough shade to protect me from the sun! Perfect, it's also comfortable~

I hurriedly went to the tree to make sure that no one steals the spot. I sat down and took out my lunch. I quickly finished it to give me more time to cloud gaze.

From now on, this is my spot! I smiled triumphantly.

I looked up and scanned the sky to look for distinguishable shapes. Ooh! That one looks like a heart.

My view was then blocked by someone. He had long black hair that ended in teal tips. He also had mint colored eyes! They were widened in shock though.

"Y/n..?" He muttered, enough for me to hear. Do I know this guy?

"Do I know you?" I curiously asked.

His shocked expression turned into a disappointed one.

"You don't really remember me..?" He whispered, but I didn't catch it. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Whatever. This is my spot." He said, putting on a stoic facial expression. I was shocked. Such a sudden mood swing.. whatever.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know!" I yelled as I frantically stood up and dusted my clothes. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"W-wait..! I didn't mean to be rude! We can sit down together!" He exclaimed as he gently held my hand and grabbed me down.

Unfortunately, this action made us trip and fall down. I accidentally fell down his lap as his hand fell to my waist.

My face grew hot and his face had a pinkish hue.

"Sorr- sorry! I didn't mean to pull you down!" He turned even redder. I got off his lap and sat down beside him. I grabbed his hand and said, "It's fine! Accidents happen anyways!"

My face slowly turned back to its normal temperature.

"Wanna be my friend? I'm Tomioka Y/n. What about you?" I smiled.

He smiled a little before replying. "Muichiro Tokito."

I acknowledged him by nodding.

"You like this spot, right?" I asked, putting on a curious expression. "How come?"

Muichiro's eyes darted to the green grass below us.

"Well.. I had a childhood crush. And best friend, actually. We would cloud gaze under our favorite cherry blossom tree. I told he—" I cut Muichiro off.

"Cherry blossoms are pretty, you know? It makes cloud gazing more enjoyable with you." I was shocked by what I said. Those words came to me and I just probably blurted it out on accident. Oops..

I quickly apologized. But his next action quite surprised me.

He smiled warmly at me, his eyes glossy from the tears that were threatening to fall.


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