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About two hours into the party, I was already dizzy due to the colorful flashing lights.

I walked out of the gym and staggered into the hallway to go out and get some fresh air.

As I turned left, a strong hand pulled me and I fell onto their chest. I immediately woke up to me senses and became alerted.

What? Who is this? He smells like..

"It's me." Said a deep voice. I furrowed my eyebrows and a deep red hue painted my cheeks. I then turned around to face him.

"Muichiro? Why did you do that?" I sighed in relief, smiling and then laughing. Gosh, I thought I was about to die.

Only then, I realized this wasn't a time to be laughing.

Muichiro's eyebrows were furrowed, a cold gaze looking at me that sent chills down my spine. His hands were resting on the wall, and only then did I notice that he was pinning me against it.

I nervously stammered, "Mui-". But I was cut off as he put his hand on my mouth.

"Shut up, don't speak, and answer me honestly. When you first arrived here, you met a guy right?" He asked and I nodded. At my response, he seemed to get even more angrier.

"What was his name?" He questioned, which put me off for a moment.

"It was Douma. I don't see any problem with him though?" I tilted my head, looking at him.

He clenched his fist and stomped away back into the gym. I just watched him, standing there so confused.

What was that all about..?


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