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A few years had passed. You are now 15

My phone buzzed as my alarm sounded.

"Ughh.." I groaned. I opened my eyes to see my room filled with bright sunlight.

What time is it? I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.


My alarm sounded this early? But why?

My eyes widened in realization.

Today's the first day of class! I groaned in annoyance. Fuckk.. I'm gonna be late!

I quickly shot out of bed and got ready. I put on my new uniform and grabbed my backpack.

As I ran down the stairs, I tripped. But before I could fall, a hand gripped my arm and prevented me from hitting the ground.

I looked behind me to see my brother.

"Careful." Giyuu said.

I stood up properly and thanked him. I hurriedly went downstair and grabbed a toast my mother held out. Giyuu did the same.

"Twhank yhou!" I yelled, but it was muffled by the toast.

My mom smiled and said, "Be careful, you two. Good luck on your first day!" We both nodded.

My brother unlocked the car as I got into the back seat and chewed on my toast.

He closed the door and drove towards where the school was, with the help of google maps.

We soon arrived to Kimetsu Academy.

I looked at the school in awe. It was so enormous and beautiful!

I might get lost in the hallways, though...

"Hurry up, we'll be late." Giyuu said.

"Right.." I replied.

Kimetsu Academy, huh? It sure is a big school.

We walked inside.

As me and my brother separated ways, someone bumped into me.

"Ah! A new student, huh~?" The voice said.

I opened my eyes and looked back.

He had platinum blonde hair and rainbow eyes. How is that even possible?

"Pleasure to meet you~ my name's Douma!" He chirped. Smiling warmly, I replied.

"Tomioka Y/n. Pleasure to meet you~!"


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