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"Oh! Nice to meet you, Y/n-chan!" Douma said in a playful tone.

"Let's be friends, tell me where your class is and I'll lead you to it." He continued.

"Alright." I replied. "It's Class 1-A."

He gave a huge grin.

"Perfect! That's my class too~" he cooed.

I nodded in response and beamed, eager to get to know my other classmates.

He grabbed my arm and lightly jogged towards the classroom, giving me time to memorize the way.

He opened the door and shouted.

"Guys look! A new student!" He excitedly pulled my hand up.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and took their time to look at my full appearance.

A bead of sweat fell down the side of my face as my stomach twisted inside.

"Uhm.. hello.." I nervously said.

Seriously, hello?! Not even an introduction?! You're so stupid, Y/n! Ugh!

"Uh- my name is Y/n Tomioka, nice to meet all of you." I looked at the floor, face growing redder as each second passes by.

"Tomioka? Are you the sibling of my older sister's classmate?" A pretty girl with a side ponytail said.

I nodded in response, my face reverting back to normal. I smiled brightly at her and she smiled back. Cute!

I scanned the room to find a seat I could take. I saw an empty one right beside a boy that had teal tips.

Oddly familiar.. I feel like I've seen him before. Eh! Maybe I saw him at a store or something.

He looked like the type to have an "idgaf" attitude. Even so, he still looks handsome and charming.

I sat down beside him and looked out the window to cloud gaze.

Cloud gazing was a part of my childhood, and it still is. I used to do it with my childhood best friend, and crush, I guess. I quite remember the time he confessed to me before leaving.

Those are actually the only things I remember about him, including the fact that his name started with the letter "M".

I hope I could meet him again, so that we can be together. It might take me a while to like him, though. I don't want him to leave me again.

Where are you? I can't even remember your name. Forgive me for being such a bad friend.

I'm sorry..

My mood suddenly went down after thinking about him.


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