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No more pics bcs wattpad wont let me ☹️☹️


After school was over, I headed to the cherry blossom tree where Muichiro and I would always hang out.

Why is he avoiding me..?

I frowned. I heard the soft thumps of footsteps beside me and I looked up to see Muichiro. He sat down beside me and sighed.

"Listen— I'm sorry for avoiding you for almost the whole day. It's just..." he trailed off. I tilted my head curiously and asked, "Just what?".

He shook his head and waved his hand, signifying that he wants the subject to be changed.

"Can you.. come over to my house? I want to hang out." He simply said, staring at me directly in the eyes.

"O-oh..! Uh, okay." I nodded, my face slightly heating up. He soon smiled.

Time skip to his house.

"Nii-san! I'm home, I brought someone with me!" Muichiro called out. I didn't know he had a brother...

A moment later, footsteps could be heard coming down the wooden staircase as a boy identical to Muichiro came out. He has a TWIN brother?!

He had a grumpy but confident sort of look, whilst Muichiro has a blank but kind of soft expression. That's how I could tell them apart.

Muichiro patted my shoulder and spoke, "Y/n, this is my twin brother, Yuichiro. Nii-san, this is Y/n, the girl I was telling you about." He turned to Yuichiro.

Yuichiro scoffed and glanced at me before turning to his brother. "This is the pretty girl you were talking about? She seems average." He replied with a smug look on his face.

Muichiri turned beet red while I raised my eyebrow. "No offense to Mui because you both look alike, but at least I don't look like a GNOME." I rolled my eyes.

He gritted his teeth at me, and that's when I knew that this would NOT settle so easily.

"Oh yeah? At least I don't look like a hag!" He retorted. I faked an insulted look before smirking.

"At least it's better than your onion smelling breath!" I replied back, enjoying the shocked look on his face which quickly turned into that of an irritated one.

Muichiro sighed before heading towards the living room to watch tv.

"Oh it is SO on!" Yuichiro yelled, throwing insults after insults at me while I did the same.

Yuichiro and I continued fighting for over an hour before Muichiro yelled at us to stop and eat dinner.

As I got home and walked into my room, I smiled.

That was such a fun time, despite Yuichiro insulting me. I actually had fun insulting him! And that look on his face was just so.. I giggled.

I turned over my bed and fell into a deep slumber.


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