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"What's your number? I wanna add you in my contacts." Muichiro said. I hummed in response before answering.

"Oh! It's ***********!" I replied, taking my phone out of my pocket.

He started typing my number and when he was done, he sent a text message to me.

Unknown number

Unknown number

Hello, this is muichiro right?

Unknown number

You changed the contact name to Muichiro
Muichiro changed your contact name to Y/n


The bell rang.

"As much as I'd like to stay, I have to go. Bye!" I said, standing up and dusting my uniform.

Muichiro merely nodded and I took off to go back to our classroom. The hallways were a blur in my eyesight as I ran quickly to avoid being late. I spotted my classroom and hurriedly turned the silver doorknob.

I headed towards my seat and right as I sat down, the teacher arrived. All of the students present in the classroom took out their textbooks. I zipped my bag open and pupped out mine.

"Alright, class. I would just like to have you know that we're going to have a party next week to further establish a bond between different classes. You will be having a class bonding party with older students, so make sure you're on your best behavior. Furthermore, we will also be having a field trip 3 months from now. That is all that I'd like to say." The teacher explained.

The whole class burst into cheers, not because of the class bonding party, but because of the field trip.

Honestly, the whole class is actually quite wary of the older students, the one in which my brother is in.

They think that the older students are scary and intimidating.

I don't know why exactly they're scared, because I joined this prestigious school a year after my older brother, Tomioka Giyuu, joined.

"Hey Tomioka!" A boy said with a mischievous tone. I tilted my head and hummed confusingly in reply.

The boy had brown curly hair and green eyes. He had a look that screams "dimwit" and "jerk".

"Aren't you related to that Giyuu guy? You both share the last name." He sneered, chuckling and turning around to fully face me.

I was starting to get quite annoyed by him. He just didn't seem nice at all. Whatever! I nodded, tapping my fingers unconsciously on the table.

"If so, then you must be cold, rude, and friendless, right? He's also so ugly, I don't even get why a lot of girls in this school likes him." He laughed, looking at me with a glare to see my reaction.

I froze, and my tapping stopped. My eyes widened at what he said.

Friendless, ugly, cold, and rude?

My brother's not rude. He's just spouting random shit!

Why would he say that, though? Is he perhaps jealous..?

Jeez, I need to calm down and give this dumbass a scolding.

My eyes darkened and I put on a stoic expression.

"You think so? I'd have to let you know that my brother is nothing of what you said. Compared to him, you're trash. Compared to him, you're worthless. So think twice before saying shit out of jealousy." I sneered, putting on a creepy smile.

The boy stumbled back and kept quiet. He sat down and looked at his feet.

Yay! I put him in his place!

I triumphantly smiled.


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