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About 15 minutes after what happened, I walked back into the gym, expecting a happy, cheerful crowd..

..not chaos!

I immediately saw a LARGE circle of people in the center of the gym. I walked towards it and squeezed myself  through the crowd to see what was happening. Everyone was screaming and yelling, I finally understood why.

They were all screaming at Douma and Muichiro to stop beating each other up.

"What- what's happening?!" I immediately asked Kanao, who was right beside me.

"I don't know the exact reason, but I just saw Muichiro and Douma fighting!" She exclaimed. I nodded and rushed over to the two boys.

"Muichiro, stop it! What are you even doing?!" I pulled him by his shoulder. The action made him stand up.

"Are you crazy? You could've gotten yourself hurt, and you could've gotten in trouble!" I continued. I raised my voice, but not enough to scream at him.

Muichiro pointed his eyes to the ground, not daring to look at me.

"Y/n, I just wa-" he got cut off by a voice.

"What is going on here?! Why are you both bruised and bleeding?" The voice said. I looked at who was speaking and saw the principal.

"He attacked me first!" Douma, who I somehow forgot about, spoke. Muichiro abruptly turned around, fuming.

"Well, you insulted-!" He got cut off by the principal for the second time. Gosh, why does he keep getting cut off when he's clearly explaining something.. oh well!

"Stop it, you two! Both of you go to my office. Now!" The principal demanded.

Both boys slowly made their way outside the gym. "Please, continue with the event. This was supposed to be a happy gathering!" The principal announced. All of us nodded, but as soon as he left, everyone started muttering.

"I wonder what pushed Muichiro to do that.. he's a calm student!"

"What did Douma say that made Muichiro so angry..?"

"I can't believe Muichiro did that! I feel sorry for Douma, who clearly didn't do anything wrong.."

Now who said that?! It was clear that Douma did something, if Muichiro picked a fight with him! I think I heard something about insulting someone.. but who?


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