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Oh shit.

I made someone cry in my first day!

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" I yelled out, gently wiping the tears on his beautiful face. Wait what-

He chuckled.

"Pfft- it's not that! It's just that I was surprised you remembered that! We said it when we were 7, that's why I was so surprised.." he trailed off, still laughing.

His laugh is so.. comforting. It's like a melody in my ears.

I want.. to hear it more.

It's like a blessing given to me by the gods above!

He tilted his head back, still laughing. The warm rays of the sun hit his face, making him look majestic. He wiped the tears off his eyes and then smiled at me. My face grew hot.

Is he an angel?

Is he someone from the past? Did we know each other? How come he said that he knows me?

Could he be..?

No. That's not possible.

But, he looks so..

"Hey, are you okay? Your face is red." He said, holding my forehead. His touch is warm..

My face grew back to its normal temperature and I relaxed under his touch. I giggled. "Yeah! I'm fine. How could I catch a fever so fast, Muichiro?" I laughed.

"Silly Mui—" I gasped and my smile dropped a little. How come that name flowed out of my mouth effortlessly? Like a river flowing down to meet a lake?

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to call you Mui!" I exclaimed. "It just spilled out of my mouth!"

He giggled. "It's fine."

"You can call me Mui or Muichiro, whichever you want!" He continued. I smiled again and chuckled.

"It's nice meeting you again, Y/n" he added, still smiling.

The way he says my name is so enchanting. It's like he's casting a spell, luring me in with his soothing voice.

My face grew hot.

Just who are you, Muichiro?


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