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As the night continued, everyone forgot about the incident that had happened with the two students.

But I couldn't sit still, not when I had a question bothering my mind. What really caused the fight?

I wanted to get out of the crowded gym, to find Muichiro and get answers from him. But how am I able to do that if I'm not even sure if the principal finished talking with the both of them?

As I drank the juice I took from the long table at the side of the gym, I made up my mind.

I walked across the gym and as I was about to reach the exit, someone poked me on the shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

"Kanao?" I nervously smiled.

"Y/n, where are you going?" She asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my head as I tried to look at everything my eyes saw, everything but her eyes.

"Uhm- I need to go to the restroom! I dra- I drank too much juice." I stuttered, hoping she would believe it. This is bad.

"Are you really going to the bathroom?" She queried. I don't think she believes me. Luckily, Shinobu who was nearby, took Kanao away. I just waved goodbye and immediately pushed open the door as soon as they were out of my eyesight.

Now to go to Muichiro.

I wandered the halls, my thoughts consuming me as I tried to find the long haired boy.

As I turned to a hallway, I saw a classroom that had its light on and I gasped. This was it. This is the room I'm looking for.

I sprinted towards the door, my hair sticking to my face. My footsteps echoed in the hallway.

I reached the room and slightly crouched down to catch my breath. I stood up and peeked in the glass.

I could see Douma and Muichiro sitting by the wall, each of them being quiet. I looked across them and didn't see the principal anywhere.

I slowly turned the cold handle and both boys looked at the direction of the sound. The door clicked open and I went inside the room.

I closed the door behind me and stood there.

"Oh, Y/n-chan! What brings you here?" Douma said in a "cheery" tone.

Those words are empty.

"I'm here for Muichiro." I replied. He hummed and did not speak another word. Muichiro automatically stood up and walked towards me.

We then went outside the room and I laid my back on the wall behind me.

"So", I started, "you got into a fight. And as you were trying to explain yourself, I heard that you were doing it because someone was insulted by Douma. Care to tell who?"

Muichiro nervously glanced downwards and he seemed a bit restless.

"Uh- It was because he insulted.." He stuttered, and I nodded at him to continue.

"He insulted you." He finally looked at me. Me? What? He insulted me?

"What did he have to say about me?" I interrogated. Curiosity was beginning to overwhelm me again.

"He uh.. he said that you were an easy thing to manipulate, and if he could, he would have been able to woo you into doing everything for him. That was why I snapped and landed the first hit." He explained, looking at the side.

I'm an easy thing to manipulate? I stood there shocked, processing the words that were just said to me.

As I fully processed those words, anger came bubbling inside me, ready to explode any moment.

"He WHAT?!" I screamed, startling Muichiro. "So I'm an easy thing to manipulate? That I could just- just be swooned by him and act like a miserable little puppy following its owner everywhere? I'm not an object!" I turned around, ready to cause another fight. If that was what he wanted, then so be it!

"Wait!" I was pulled back. "You shouldn't cause a fight! You might get in trouble.." Muichiro exclaimed, worry written all over his face.

"Look who's talking." I rolled my eyes. "How else do I go about this, then? Oh! I know, I should do exactly what he said and follow him around like I'm a servant!"

Muichiro shook his head. "You should ignore it first. That's the best thing to do at the moment." He stated.

I irritably sighed because I knew, deep down, that he was right. Causing another fight would just worsen the situation, and I might even get expelled because the one to hit first is always at fault, no matter the situation.

"Fine then. I'll ignore it. I'm leaving first, I need to calm myself down." I grumbled. He nodded his head and I made my way outside of the school.

I really need a good sleep after all of this. I sighed.


Looking at the other chapters (including my other book) made me wanna change the whole storyline 😭 my writing was kinda cringe lol

I might make some changes to the chapters tho, might be minor or major changes.

Thank you and bye <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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