Chapter 1

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Chapter title- Meeting you

•Claire's Pov•
"Promise me you'll return to me," Frank says holding my hands.
"I promise, and promise me you'll be there when I return,"
"I promise,"  he says and he kisses me.
"ALL ABOARD, THE TRAIN IS LEAVING," someone yells trough the station.
"I love you Frank Randall," I say stepping on the train.
"I love you Claire Randall," Frank says when the train starts to me.
I give him a blow kiss and I wave him goodbye.
I hoped I could fulfill my promise of returning to him, after all I was going to war.

~Present Day~
Finally I was from war, I stand on the station, looking for my Frank.
He was nowhere to be found so I walk around.
I see a small boy standing in the corner of the station.
"Hello darling, are you okay?" I ask kneeling next to him.
"I can not find mama," he says crying.
"Oh sweety, come let's sit there. I'm pretty sure they'll show up again," I say taking his hand and we both sit on the bench.
"What is your name?"
"James," the boy says hestitating.
"Beautiful name, I'm Claire,"
He sits close to me and I hold his hand.
"If you see her can you tell me?" I ask him.
He nods. "Mama has blond hair with green eyes,"
"Thank you that's very helpful," I say scanning the crowd.
We sit on the bench for hours and it's already dark by now.
I haven't seen Frank or James his mother.
"Will I ever see mama again?" He asks me with tears in his eyes.
"I think so yeah,"
James slowly falls asleep en I keep scanning the crowd.
After a while woman with blond hair comes running to me.
"James? James Is that you?" She yells.
When I take a closer look, I see she has green eyes.
James slowly wakes up. "Mama!"
"O my god, my boy!" The woman says hugging James close.
A man comes from the crowd to, which I guess is Jamie's father.
"James! You're okay!" He says when it's his turn to hug the boy.
The woman turns to me. "Why did you have our son?"
"This morning I found him crying in the corner and I promised him to help him look," I say standing up.
"Well thank you! My name is Elena,"
"I'm Claire. And I'm glad I could help," I say smiling.
"That's my husband John. Don't judge us for losing James. John was in the war and when I saw him I hugged him and I think James got pushed away by the crowd," Elena explains.
"I'm not judging, you can get lost here easily,"
John comes to us. "You found our son?"
"Yes, well I wasn't looking for him, but yes I found him,"
He nods. "Thank you!"
I shake my head. "It's not a big deal really."
Elena sees I'm all alone. "Is there no one for you here?"
"I don't think so, I think my husband didn't get the message that I was coming home, I'm not a soldier, I'm a nurse. And I don't know if they include nurses in the message," I say grabbing my bag.
She nods. "Can we give you a lift?"
"Actually that would be nice," I smile at the offer.
She nods and I follow her to her car.
"John, you and James can sit in the back," Elena says and she points to the front seat for me to sit.
"So how long has it been that you've seen your husband?" Elena asks me.
"Normally you would see them a few days a year, but I couldn't because I was busy restocking supplies and he never really sent me a message that he was coming to the meet place, so it has been 5 years,"
"5 years? Aren't you nervous?" She asks surprised.
I nod. "Yea I am. But I trust that after a while we will get used to eachother again,"
"I suppose your right," she says and she keeps driving.
After an hour we arrive at Franks house.
"Thank you so much for the ride,"  I say to Elena.
"No problem, its the least we could do,"
I smile and she gives me a note. "If you ever want to meet up, here is my phone number,"
"Thank you, I might just need that," I say and I give her a hug.
"Bye!" Elena says getting in the car again.
I wave her goodbye and I knock on the door.
Franks opens the door and his face is full of shock.
"Claire?" He asks in disbelief.
"Hello Frank," I say nervously.
"What..... why..... how are you back,"
I smile. "I promised to you I was going to come back to you, so here I am,"
He smile faintly. "Yes, you did, didn't you,"
I smile at him, its all a bit awkward.
"So can I come in or.....?" I ask awkwardly.
"Er...yeah sure," he say letting me in.
I walk in and out my bag in the table.
"Let me grab some clothes real quick," Frank says walking to his bedroom.
A soon as the door closes I can hear him having a conversation with some one. I can't hear with who but I do know it's a woman.
I open the door and see him putting on clothes. On the other side of the bed there is a woman in her brassiere and shorts.
"Frank? What the hell?" I say confused.
"Claire! I- please go to the living room, I'll explain," Frank says panicking.
The woman puts on a shirt and runs out of the door with her stuff.
I walk to the living room and wait for Frank to come out, when he does I don't see an ounce of regret on his face.
"Who was that Frank?"
"Sandy," he says and he looks proud.
"How long have you been fucking her?" I ask him angry.
"Not long, I promise,"
I step closer to him. "How long?"
"2 weeks after you left,"
"2 weeks! You couldn't keep it in yer pants for 2 fucking weeks?" I yell angry.
"You were gone, of to war. The change that you'd return was so small and need comfort," he says irritated.
"That doesn't change the fact that you fucked someone else for 5 years! You never showed up to any of the moments we could see eachother!" I say tears now streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry Claire! I really am, please forgive me!" He says begging me.
"Forgive you? You cheated on me for 5 years! And you talk about me forgiving you?" I yell at him.
"Claire, please, I won't ever touch another woman, I won't even look at a woman again, I promise you. I love you," he says grabbing my hand.
I let myself soften up a bit. "Why did you never sent any letters?"
"I couldn't, it would endanger you... if someone would intercept the letters with your name on it, you could be in danger," he says with a soft voice.
"In think I can forgive if you only promise me you'll never do such a thing again. That you'll never hurt me again like you hurted me now," I say putting my hands on his shoulders.
"I promise you Claire. I promise you with all my heart," he says and then he kisses me.
I kiss him back and I take of me clothes and he takes of his.
Soon enough he is inside me but it doesn't take long.
After 5 minutes he's done and asleep in bed.
I lay for atleast another hour awake thinking about what happend, but I decide to just forgive him and move on. Forgive and Forget.

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