Chapter 2

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Chapter title- My New Life

•Claire's pov•
The next morning I get woken up by mrs Fitz.
"Up with ye lass, ye nearly slept the whole day," she says and her voice is very high.
I groan and open my eyes, the light blinding me. 
"I have some broth for ye,"
I step out of bed and receive a bowl from her. "Thank you,"
Mrs Fitz grabs some clothes for me and after 2 spoons of the broth she takes it from me and tells me to undress.
I take my dress and when she sees my brassiere she doesn't know what to say. "What kind of corset is that?"
"It's a brassiere, from France," I say and I'm not lying it's just not invented yet.
"Take it off,"
So I do as she says and she trows a cold bucket of water on my body.
I shiver and she dries me off with a towel.
She dresses my in a typical 18th century dress and let me stand in front of the mirror.
"Now yer ready to be presented to himself," she says proudly.
I look in the mirror and then I hear a knock.
Murtagh is in the doorway nudging his head to come with him.
I follow him trough the castle and eventually come to the lairds room.
Murtagh walks away again and this is my change to see when I am.
I walk to the bookshelf and grab some documents.
I must be in 1743 I think but which month?
I grab a normal book and then someone comes in the room.
"I see you've met my friends,"
I turn around and see a short man with different kind of legs.
"I'm sorry for helping myself," I say putting the book on the shelf and walk towards him.
"Take a seat," he says pointing at the chair.
I sit down and the man sits on the other side of the desk.
"I am Colum the laird of this castle," he says leaning a bit forward. 
We have a little talk and discuss wether there is or isn't a good reason for rape.
"I would like to continue my journey," I say to him.
"Aye, Friday a man with supplies comes here ye can leave with him,"
"I'm sorry, I lost track of days, in how many days is that?"
"5 days from now, today is Sunday." He says and he stands up.
Some men are at the door and I leave the room.
I walk trough the castle and come out on an arch.
Children are running underneath me, playing together, other people are talking it eachother.
It's quite peaceful and joyful to watch how happy everyone is.
I see mr MacTavish in a gras field when I'm down on the ground again.
I walk to him and sit beside him staring at the same thing he's staring at.
"What are you looking at?" I ask him.
"The woods, it's peaceful,"
I nod. "How is your back?"
"Actually really good. Normally on cold morning it's a bit stiff but it wasna this morning. It feels better. Thank ye,"
"Do you want me to make some extra for you? So you can apply it again?" I offer him.
"Aye, can you help me?" He asks standing up.
I have a slight error in my head. "You mean with applying? I can teach you," I stand up to and we walk towards the castle
"Thank ye, Claire. Truly," he says smiling briefly.
I nod and we walk to the kitchen.
"Mrs Fitz, do you have these herbs?" I ask her handing her a list.
"Aye, look on the shelves, take as many as ye need,"
I thank her and I walk to the shelves.
"Jamie, can you reach that one for me? I'm to small," I say smiling awkwardly.
He nods and grabs the jar, I take out a few leaves and hand it back to Jamie who puts it on the shelf again.
"Thank you," I tell mrs Fitz again and I walk to my room with Jamie.
He sits down in the same seat as last night and I make the balm.
"Will the scars disappear with this balm?" Jamie asks when I'm almost finished.
"No, they won't disappear but they'll be smoother," I say and see he looks disappointed. "Remember when I told you last it isn't something you should be ashamed of? I meant it Jamie,"
He gives me a weak smile and I show him how to apply the balm and tries for himself.
"Wonderful, now I don't have to help you anymore," I say handing him the balm.
He stands up. "If I need help can I ask you though?"
"Yes ofcourse,"
He walks to the door. "Thank ye again, Claire,"
I nod and he leaves.
I feel like I'm blushing and I really hope he didn't see it.
Frank and Jamie are way different and I might like the way Jamie is more, and that though makes me feel incredibly guilty.
~A few days later~
I had been wel rested and it was wednesday so I was almost going to be back to my own time.
"Mrs Fitz, where is Mr MacTavish?"
"I think at the stables, why?" She asks confused.
I lift my basket. "I want to see if his wounds are healing nicely,"
She nods and gives me some food for him too.
I take her and walk to the stables.
Jamie is working with the horses when I arrive and I decide to admire them for a few moments.
I come closer to the paddock but accidentally bump against a bucket what causes it to fall with a hard crash.
The horse Jamie is working with prances and Jamie falls hard against the fence.
"O god. I'm so sorry," I say putting down the basket to see if Jamie's okay.
He mutters some words in Gaelic. "Dinna fash Sassenach. She just has a bit of a temper. It's good I suppose,"
I smile and he smiles back. "Can I help ye with anything?"
"No, I thought I could help you maybe, some lunch and fresh bandages," I say picking up the basket again.
He nods and I walk to an open spot in the stables.
Jamie eats the food like he hasn't eaten in days.
"By the look of that appetite I'd almost say you'd eat grass if there wasn't anything else around," I joke.
"I have eaten grass, it isna very tasteful and filling but if ye got nothing else it isna bad,"
We talk for a bit until old Alec comes the fetch Jamie so he can work again.
"Thank ye for the food," he says and he goes back to work.
I walk of again and come across a young lass.
"Yer mistress Beauchamp right?" She asks.
"Yes can I help you with something?"
"Aye, they say yer a healer and I have a little wound and I wondered if you could help me," she says showing me a deep cut.
"O dear. Come with me," I say and I take her to my room.
When she sits down I pour some alcohol in the wound and she groans.
"Ah, why would ye do that?"
"Cleans the wound the best, just hold still," I say grabbing needle and treat.
"What are ye doing with that?" She says jerking her hand away.
"Don't worry, I'm going to stitch it up. It will heal faster," I say and she carefully puts her hand back where it was first.
I stitch up the wounds and put in some bandage on it.
"Just like that, all finished," I said standing up.
"Thank ye," she says and she's off again.
I go outside and look for some herbs.
After looking for a while I find some special mushrooms.
"Those are poisonous," a voice says and it makes me jump up.
I hit my head on a tree branch and voice behind met laughs.
I turn around and see a woman with red hair and pretty green eyes snickering at me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh," she says.
I smile. "It's okay. I could've looked funny from there and thank you for your warning but I do know those are poisonous,"
"Who are ye using it on? Yer husband? Tell me if it works and I'll try it in mine," she says smiling, I assume it's a joke I smile to.
"I'm Geillis Duncan," she say introducing herself.
"I'm-" I try to introduce myself but she stop me.
"I ken who you are Claire, the village has been roaming with talk about ye,"
"What are they saying?" I ask curiously.
"That yer most likely a Beaton, a healer,"
I smile. "I do 'heal' people. But I rather say I tend to wounds."
"The folks say I am a witch," she says with a devilish smile.
"Are you?"
She just shrugs and lets out a small 'mm'
We talk a little bit before I return to my room.
When I go out again to go to the kitchen I come across mrs Fitz.
"Lass yer not going to the meeting like that are ye?"
I am a little confused. "I didn't think I was invited,"
"Aye ofcourse, yer a guest of the MacKenzie, ofcourse yer invited." She says and drags me with her.
She picks out a better dress and puts it on me.
Later after the ceremony and all, I wait for Angus on a haybail when I see him.

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