Chapter 16

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Chapter Title- Just Us

•Jamie's pov•

~A Month Later~
Claire has fully healed from her gunshot wound and my arms are like they always were.
And we have been intimate, every night we'd crave eachother if not every night AND morning.
"God Sassenach, what is happening to me? I feel like... if I don't touch you I'll die," I whisper in her ear, laying on top of her.
"Mmm.. I know," she mumbles grabbing my arse.
"God your ass it's... so soft but yet so muscled!"
I laugh and she stops me with a kiss. "I'm going to miss you if you're away,"
I lay beside her and pull her close. "I ken, and I will miss ye too, but I will return as soon as possible,"
"Good, cause if you don't return I might die craving your touch,"
I smile and lay on top of her again, gently stroking her body.
Softly I kiss her breasts and after some seconds I suck them.
Carefully harassing her nipple, licking and sucking it like the bairns do.
"God Claire, if ye ever get pregnant again, will ye feed me like the bairns?"
"With pleasure," she says and I slide into her again.
"God Jamie," she whimpers and I don't stop until some minutes later.
She cuddles up against me and carefully touches my chest. "Do you have to leave? I want you to stay with me,"
"I want to stay with you too Claire, I really do. But I haveta I'm sorry,"
She sighs and lets herself relax. "I love you,"
I nod softly so she repeats herself. "I love you, I love you so much that I want you to stay with me forever, I want you to always touch me and I love you so much that I want to go you your twelve children,"
I laugh softly and kiss her head. "God, what did I do to deserve ye, Mo Chridhe,"
She smiles and kisses me. "We should get out,"
I nod softly and Claire steps out of bed.
The sweet outlines of her small body exposed in the sunlight, skinny and tall lass, great ass and breasts.
"I love yer body. But I love you even more,"
She smiles and puts in her shift. "Don't leave then,"
"I have to Claire, it's only two months, and I'll come back a few times for a day," i standup myself putting on my shirt.
She grabs her corset and I help her tighten it. "I like it when you help me dress,"
I kiss her forehead and we put on the rest of our clothes.
"Do you like this pink dress?" She asks and I turn around.
She standing in the middle of room with a light pink dress, and hair loose.
"God yer so beautiful," I say softly and she blushes.
"Take care of yerself when I'm away," I whisper and she nods.
"I know you mean keep my distance from Frank and I get it. If you want I won't come close to him and won't even speak to him if that's what you want Jamie,"
I slowly shake my head. "No, just.. if something happens... I want you to tell me,"
"Nothing will happen, I won't allow it," she reassures me.
"Good, cause yer mine," I kiss her softly.

~Claire's pov~
"Brian! Can I talk to you for a moment?"
I take him outside where Jamie can't hear us. "So I wanted to ask you something,"
"Go ahead,"
"Will you look after Jamie for me? He doesn't want to leave, and I'm afraid he's going to be too worried about me and the children,"
"Of course, it's not unusual that he'll worry,"
"I know, but he will go crazy, just reassure him if he worries,"
He nods and we go back in.
"Alright darlings, you have to say goodbye to your da," I say picking up Willie.
"What why? I dinna want to say goodbye," Faith says sadly.
"I ken Mo Chridhe, but it's only for a little while," Jamie says kneeling beside her.
"Why do ye have to leave?" She asks tearing up.
I look away, not wanting to see her cry.
"I just have to go for a little while, but ye will be safe here,"
I turn back to them and Jamie has Faith tightly in his arms.
"I will return soon, I promise," he stands up again and I hand him Willie.
"Ye too, Willie. Be kind for yer mother, I love ye," carefully he places a kiss on his head and puts him on the couch.
I say goodbye too Brian and Ian and then Frank comes down stairs.
"What's going on? Why's everyone saying goodbye?" He asks confused.
"Ehmm, Brian, Ian and Jamie are leaving for a while,"
He nods. "Oh alright,"
Everyone goes outside to say goodbye and Jamie puts the last bag on the horse.
"Sweeties, can you stay inside while they go?"
They nod and go play with the blocks.
I step outside and see Jamie's already on his horse. "You're not leaving without a goodbye are you?"
I try to smile but it's hard too.
"Never," he says and gets off.
I hug him tightly, burying my head in his shoulder, soft in his thick coat. "I really don't want you too leave,"
"I ken Sassenach, but I'll no' be leaving ye forever. I'll return to ye soon," he says softly and I keep hugging him.
"I suppose you must be going then?" I whisper slowly letting go.
"Aye, but I'll be back as soon as possible,"
I gently kiss him but he won't have it. "Are ye really going to kiss me like that, knowing I might never come back?" He jokes but I don't like it.
"Don't say that, you have to come back," tears are burning in my eyes and he gives me an apologetic look.
"I will come back, I swear to you," he kisses my forehead and I hug him once more.
"I love you," I whisper softly.
"I love ye too," he kisses me again but more passionately this time.
When he finally lets go he gets on his horse.
"Take care," he says hanging a bit to the side.
I give him one last kiss. "On your way, soldier,"
He smiles and rides off.
I take Ellen's hand trying not to cry. "I'm going to miss him,"
"I ken, we'll keep ourself busy until their back,"
I nod and go back inside. "Alright, who wants to go for a walk with Mama?"
They both look up and look excited. "Me!"
"Alright come," I stretch out both my arms and they grab my hands.
We walk trough the woods for atleast an hour before going back.
"Claire, can you maybe take me to some 'future' historical places?" Frank asks when I sit on the couch with the children, who are now asleep.
"Maybe another time, I'm not feeling good for that today,"
He nods and walks off again.

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