Chapter 7

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Chapter title- Battles

•Claire's Pov•
~Day Of First Battle, Prestonpans~
"Jamie," I whisper.
We're still in bed and my head is on Jamie's chest.
"What is it, Mo Graidh?"
"Promise me you'll be safe..."
He lifts my chin and stroked my hair.
"I'm going to war Sassenach, I canna make that promise,"
I feel the tears coming in my eyes.
"Just don't take any unnecessary risks,"
He kisses my head and holds me close.
"Promise me Jamie. Promise me I won't lose you, not now not ever,"
I look at him and I can see he has trouble with the promise.
"I promise,"
I nod and close my eyes again.
He strokes my back gently and after a few minutes he sits up.
"Kiss me Claire. I won't to go the battle wi'out yer kisses on me,"
I kiss his lips and he softly moans.
I continue to his neck, chest and end on his stomach.
"I should get dressed," he whispers and gets out of bed.
He grabs his shirt and kilt and puts them on.
I get out to and put on my surgery clothes.
"You look bonnie in those clothes," he says and kisses me.
I pick up Faith and put her in her Fraser dress.
"You too are bonnie, a leannan," he says and I hand her to him.
He gives her a small kiss on her head and she giggles.
"Da..." she mumbles softly.
"Aye, I'm here and I'll come back,"
We go down and walk to the field hospital.
"Get some rest Jamie, you won't get any tonight," I say putting my hands on his cheek.
He nods and he lies down on one of the beds.
I place Faith by him and they both fall sleep, Faith in Jamie's arms.
The other men sit in a circle and they sharpen their weapons.
I clean everything and place everything neat on the middle of the table.
"Mistress, is there anything we can do?" One of the starting healers asks.
"Clean the ground and the beds, we can't risk any infection,"
They all go to work and before I know it the day is over and the men are getting ready.
Jamie stands up and hugs me from behind.
I turn around and he holds me for a minute.
"You should say bye to Faith," I whisper in his shoulder and I can feel him nod.
He walks to Faith and picks her up and holds her against his chest.
"Listen to me Mo Chridhe. Promise me you'll take care of yer Mama, be sweet and let her do her thing. And I'll come back to ye, I promise,"
"Mama... Da...." She mumbles and smiles sweetly.
He kisses her forehead and she giggles, he puts her back on the bed.
I say goodbye to Angus and Rupert.
"Look after Jamie," I tell Murtagh. "I need him to come back, not only for me but for Faith too,"
"Always, we will win the day Aye?"
I nod. "Yes, we will win this day,"
"So we shall," he says and reassures me by putting his hand on my arm.
I give him a hug. "You too be safe,"
He smiles and nods, and he goes outside with the rest of the men.
"Jamie, come back to me,"
"I will," he says and kisses me passionately.
I don't let go for at least ten seconds.
I hug him tightly and I feel the tears in my eyes.
"On your way soldier," I say softly and he nods.
He walks off and I immediately feel scared knowing he's going to the battle field without me.
I pick up Faith and hold her on my lap until I hear gunshots and yelling men.
Faith starts crying and I look for Fergus.
"Ah there you are, can you take care of Faith? Soldier are coming in soon I think and if Faith is crying I can't concentrate,"
He nods and I hand Faith to him and he walks to the separate room.
"Mistress the first soldiers are here!"
I walk back quickly and start working on the wounds.
After an hour it's very busy and everyone is working hard.
"Mistress! Rupert's hurt!" Angus yells and I take him.
"Grab a big needle and treat!" I yell to one of the women.
She hands them to me and I mend the wound.
"He will survive right?"
"As long as he breathes, there is hope," I say and I walk away to mend more.
Another fifteen minutes pass and everyone is treated and we're handing out food and water.
The door bursts open and I quickly turn around.
Jamie's standing this covered in mud and blood.
I look at him and he shows a small smile.
"The day is ours Sassenach," Jamie drops his sword and hugs me.
I can see Murtagh grinning behind him.
I kiss Jamie and when I let go he looks shocked.
"Faith? Is she okay?" He asks looking around.
I nod and walk to be room, I can hear Jamie follow me.
"Da!" She says excited.
"Faith, Mo Chridhe," he runs to her and hugs her tight.
She puts her hand on his face trying to brush away the blood.
"I ken, I should wash," he smiles and she giggles.
He stands up. "Fergus lad, are ye alright?"
"Yes Milord,"
Jamie looks back at me. "Are ye alright, Mo Nighean Donn?"
"Yes, now that you're back," I kiss him and he picks up Faith.
"My wee family all safe," he smiles faintly.
"Mistress! Help!"
I run out and see Angus laying on the floor.
I kneel beside him and hold his head.
Blood spills from his mouth and he's shaking uncontrollably.
Dougal looks at him and he knows its bad.
Jamie lays his hand on my shoulder but shake my head, he knows what I mean and holds Faith close.
"It's okay.. you can let go.. it's okay," I whisper to reassure him.
It's seems to work and he calms down a bit.
I hold his head and hand until he stops and I know he's gone.
I close his eyes and stand up.
Jamie looks worried at me and pulls me close to him.
I hug him and Faith smiles at me.
"Okay. Mama?" She asks softly.
"I'm okay, you okay?"
She nods and I take her and Jamie puts his hand on my shoulder.
We hear Rupert groan loudly while he stands up.
He walks to Angus. "Ye couldn't die on me," he whispers.
He grabs his knife. "I will use this wi' honor,"
I give Faith back to Jamie and help Rupert go back to the bed.
I disinfect his wound and he goes back to sleep.
He snores quickly and I give a weak smile.
I walk past everyone ignoring every question and walk to my room.
I sit in the bed and tears stream down my face.
A minute later Jamie opens the door and he comes in.
Softly he closes the door and he takes me hand and lets me stand up.
"Sassenach..." he says softly and he pulls me to him.
I fall in his embrace and cry for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry," I whisper softly.
"Dinna fash, I ken it must've been hard to lose him,"
"It's not specifically him. I mean yes, I'm going to miss him. But I-I realized it could've been you,"
He kisses my head. "I'm alright, everyone else is okay, it isna yer fault if ye think that."
I shake my head. "I just need some sleep,"
He nods and leads me to our bed.
"I will take care of Faith, ye need some rest, my love,"
I make a ball of myself and drift to sleep slowly.

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