Chapter 17

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Chapter title: Family

Jamie's pov•
I make Claire's hair exceptional and then take her downstairs.
Everyone is already gathered to make everything ready for the tenants and we stand in the middle of the room.
Frank turns around and sees Claire and then quietly gasps. "You look beautiful, like a princes,"
I shake my head and look at Claire. "Nay, you look like a queen! You always do,"
She blushes and buries her face in my shoulder. "Can you not? It's awkward,"
"It's the truth," I whisper and she looks up.
I walk to dad to see if he needs help and Claire helps mama and Jenny in the kitchen.
An hour later I walk back to Claire who's sitting on the couch with the bairns.
"Faith, Willie, ye ken I love ye verra much, but I need to borrow yer mother for a moment, to welcome the guests,"
They let go of their mother and I take her hand. "You ready?"
She kisses me softly. "Yes,"
We walk outside and stand on the side of the stairs, with a long line of tenants in front of it.
"My laird, my lady," a tenant says and his wife gives Claire a pot.
"That's looks delicious, thank you," she says kindly and puts it on a table.
We stand there for at least half an hour and when all the tenants are inside we follow.
I got and stand on the stairs and carefully tap with a knife on the glass.
"Hello everyone! We all know that the food is running low but we are working as hard as possible so it will get better! I want to thank everyone for coming here but this isn't just for the rents, we have to celebrate a few things. First of course eachother and then we have some news! As you all know I have two beautiful bairns wi' my wife!" I say and Faith and Willie come running to me and stand before me. "And soon they will have a sibling! Another baby is on the way! That is cause for a party!"
I take a step back and kiss Claire. "God I love you so much," she smiles and hugs me.
A lot of people come around and congratulate us.
"I must collect the rents now, but I'll be back soon," I say and I let Claire go with the woman.

•Claire's pov•
"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Mrs McNellon asks.
"I don't know, I just hope it's healthy,"
They smile at me and we continue to talk a bit.
An hour later Jamie's standing behind me again. "You ready Sassenach?"
I stand up and turn around. "For what?"
"Come," he says and takes my to the kitchen.
"What's going on? Why is everyone staring at us?"
"There are no redcoats around so it's safe to do this little thing," he says holding my hands.
"What little thing?"
"Let me explain," he says calmly and I nod. "Yes please,"
He smiles. "Ye are going to sit on a chair in the middle of the room in a minute and I'm going to sit in front of you, laying my forehead on yer belly, that was I'm able to sense if it's a lass or lad, if after the birth it turns out be the opposite then it isna my bairn,"
I look surprised at him. "No I'm not doing that Jamie,"
"Why not? Did ye..."
"What? No! But you can't know that before the baby is born! If it turns out it's the other gender I'll be marked a whore,"
He steps closer and holds my head close to his. "Dinna fash yerself Sassenach, I willna guess wrong,"
"Fine, but if you are wrong I'll leave, I will not be marked as a whore," I give in and he kisses me. "Alright,"
He takes me take to the room and sits me down on the chair.
He kneels in front of me and looks at me. "Are ye ready?"
I nod and everyone is looking at us full excitement.
Jamie gently placed his hand around my belly and slowly I start to relax while he lays his forehead on me.
He brushes softly over the sides of my bump and after a few minutes he stands up.
"And what is it My Laird?" Someone asks and I look at Jamie, worrying what he's going to say.
"It's going to be a Lass," he says loudly and smiles bright.
Everyone starts applauding and Jamie helps me up.
"You alright?"
"Yes, I just hope your right," I say with my hands on his shoulder.
"I love you Claire," he whispers and I smile. "I love you too.

~2 months later~
"Jamie?" I whisper searching for him but he's not in bed.
I walk out of the room and it's still dark but I can see his figure standing at the fire downstairs.
"Jamie?" I say again softly but he doesn't seem to hear me.
I fall in my knees in pain. "Jamie!" I say a little harder now and his head shoots up.
"Claire? What's wrong Mo Graidh?" He says rushing on the stairs.
His arms fall around me checking if I'm hurt. "Is it the bairn?"
I nod groaning in pain and there's nothing but pure panic in his eyes. "Help! Somebody help!"
I lay in his arms trying to hold the pain away and I see Ellen en Jenny coming to us. "What's wrong?"
"My water broke," I manage to get and Jamie picks me up.
"Bring her to bed!" Jenny says and Ellen runs downstairs for supplies. He carefully places me in bed and holds my hand.
"Jamie... something's wrong! It doesn't feel good, at all!" I say scared but he shushes me.
"It's alright Mo Nighean Donn, I'm here, don't worry," he brushes my hair from my face and softly kisses my hand.
Ellen comes in the room with hot water and towels. "How are ye feeling lass?"
"Awful," I say still holding Jamie's hand.
She nods and checks if everything is okay. "Lass, this is going to be really hard, you must spare all the energy you can,"
I rest my body and Jamie sits beside me, not letting go for a single second.
I lay there for atleast a few hours before it really starts.
"Jamie.. this is woman stuff, you must leave," Jenny says sitting beside Ellen.
"No! No Jamie please don't leave me, I need you here with me," I say tightly holding his hand.
He brushes away my tears and kisses my forehead. "It will alright love, I'll be close to ye, you're in good hands," he whispers.
"No Jamie, you don't understand, I need you,"
He shakes his head. "I can't I'm sorry, you'll be fine trust in that, think of me," he kisses me softly and I let go of his hand and nod.
He leaves the room and I immediately feel less strong.
"Okay Claire, I'm going to need you to push," Ellen says and I nod.
I push as hard as I can and the pain only gets worse. "That's good! That's good Claire, another time,"

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