Chapter 5

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Chapter title- Home

•Claire's pov•
"Jamie, come drink some water," I say seeing he's about to trow up.
"Why are ye making me drink Sassenach? It's going to make me trow up even more,"
"No that's not true, maybe at first but afterwards yer cleansed from the bacteria," I hand him a cup of water.
"Yeah those bacteria can jump overboard or I will," he says jokingly but he looks sick immediately again.
I laugh and take Faith out of bed.
"Hello my baby, how are you today. Your just as seasick as your father aren't you?"
"I hope she isna, I would feel verra bad for her," he says standing up.
"Jamie you shouldn't stand-" I try to warn him but it's too late. "...up, it will make you vomit."
"Sorry, I'll clean it up," he says trying to grab a towel.
I shake my head. "No don't worry, can you hold Faith?" I hand her to him.
"Aye, ye want to be wi' da right, a leannan?" He kisses her forehead after he wiped his mouth.
I clean up the vomit and sit beside Jamie.
"She's two months old already," he says.
I nod slowly. "I know, she growing so fast,"
"O god, I'm going to vomit again," he says closing his mouth.
I quickly grab a bucket and take Faith from his arms.
"I think you should rest, darling." I say pulling the blankets away.
He lays down and I tuck him in.
I lay a bucket beside him and take Faith upstairs.
"Fergus what are you doing?" I ask confused seeing him pee against a pile of dead rats.
"Milady! The man dared me to try to piss in a mouth of a rat,"
"Jezus, come with me," I say irritated.
We walk to a water bowl and I tell him to dip his hands in there.
"Why doesn't Milord ever come up?" He asks seeing I'm alone again with Faith.
"He's seasick, Fergus. He trows up almost every time he stands up,"
Faith starts crying a few seconds later.
"Oh sweetheart, it's okay, I'm here," I hold her close to my chest.
"Why is she crying?" Fergus asks.
"Most of the time because they are tired, cold or hungry,"
"But I don't cry if I'm those things,"
"Well my dear, you can talk, Faith can't," I say taking him down to Jamie.
When we come there I can see vomit everywhere and Jamie unconscious on the bed.
"Oh god, Fergus take Faith and wait outside the room," I say checking Jamie.
"Jamie, are you alright?" I ask when he wakes up.
"O bloody hell, what have I done,"
"It's okay Jamie, I'll clean it up," I say cleaning his mouth.
He groans and I give him a hug. "I saw Scotland outside, we'll arrive around supper I think,"
He looks at me and I see excitement in his eyes. "Really,"
I nod smiling and he kisses me.
He puts me down on the bed and kisses my neck and then my bosom.
"Jamie, you can ravish me later, Fergus and Faith are outside and there is puke everywhere," I take his head of me.
"Aye, but yer too delicious," he grins.
I sit up and clean up the vomit again.
"Fergus ye can come in again laddie," Jamie says when I'm done.
Fergus walks in with a crying Faith.
"She has been crying almost the whole time," he says handing Faith to Jamie and he sounds annoyed.
"That's life with a baby, but it's so beautiful too," I say smiling at all of them.
"Aye," he whispers and he holds Faith close to him.
I can see he's over the moon in love with her.
Suddenly the ship shakes hard causing Jamie to fall.
Jamie holds Faith close to him and he falls hard on his back.
"Jezus H Roosevelt Christ Jamie, are you okay?" I ask worried.
"Dinna fash yerself on me, is Faith okay?" He asks checking her for a scratches.
"I think she fine Milord, you fell on your back, she didn't even touch the floor," Fergus says taking Faith so I can help Jamie up.
He kisses me softly too reassure me and takes Faith again.
"I will check what happend, you stay here, Jamie. Come Fergus," I say and we walk upstairs.
Everyone is running around in panic and I stop one of the crew men.
"What happend?"
"The ship is broken somewhere, we are going to sink," he says running of again.
I can feel complete terror in my heart.
"Milady, what are we going to do?" Fergus asks afraid.
"Fetch Milord and Faith, I'll ask around,"
Fergus hurries of and I stop another man. "Is another boat coming?"
He nods and continues doing his thing.
A minute later I see a boat coming closer and two small boats too.
"Rise the live boat!" The Captain yells.
One of the men touches my shoulder. "Ma'am ye may board wi' yer bairn first,"
A little while later they come back, Fergus carries Faith and Jamie carries are luggage.
"Is the ship sinking?" Jamie asks worried.
I nod. "Fergus Faith and I we can board the first boat,"
He nods and kisses me. "Go, I'll see ye later Mo Nighean Donn."
I shake my head. "I will tell Fergus to take Faith, I'll stay with you Jamie."
"No Claire! It will be easier if I only have to think about me in time of crisis, knowing ye, Faith and Fergus are safe,"
I nod and hand Faith to Fergus who is already sitting in a boat.
Jamie kisses me and I keep him close to me for a few seconds.
"Now go Claire! I'll see ye soon,"
I step in the boat and it's now completely filled.
"Wait!" I yell before they lower us. "Jamie, take this," I say handing him a flask of alcohol.
"May you end up in the water drink as much alcohol as possible, it will keep you warm, but not to much then you'll get unconscious,"
He nods and kisses my hand. "I love you,"
We get lowered into the water and after half an hour we reach shore.
We can see parts of the ship break off and I fear for Jamie's life.
~2 Hours Later~
We've been waiting in terror for the past the hours and the ship is already under water.
Many men come on the shore but I still don't see Jamie.
"Milady, where is Milord?" Fergus asks looking around.
"I don't know, I can't see him,"
Faith starts crying because of all the people running around.
"Shh it's okay sweetheart," I whisper softly and give her a small kiss.
People yell all around me but there is no Jamie.
We sit down on a bench and wait till people start leaving.
"Do you think Milord is dead?" Fergus tries but I directly cut his thought off.
"No Fergus, don't think that way. He's going to come back we just have to wait a little while longer,"
Another hour passes and still a lot of people are there.
Faith has fallen asleep on my chest and I keep looking around.
I stand up and see Jamie behind me, standing quite far away.
"Jamie," I whisper and I run to him.
He hugs me and kisses my head and Faith wakes up.
She looks at him and stretches out her little arms.
Jamie takes her from my arms and holds her close.
"Thank god for saving my family," he prays quietly.
"Are you okay?" I ask worried.
He nods and kisses Faith on her head.
"Are ye all alright? Are ye hurt?"
I shake my head. "No, we're alright, just tired,"
"I ken, come we'll find some lodges,"
I hold his hand and Fergus walks next to me.
After we find some lodges we bring Fergus to his room and I clean up Faith a bit.
"Sassenach, let me help ye," Jamie says after he sees me struggling to get my clothes off.
I smile faintly and let him release me of my clothes.
I crawl in to bed and when Jamie is undressed he lays beside me.
"I was really worried about you Jamie," I say softly with my eyes closed.
"I ken," he put his hand on my cheek and I open my eyes.
"I love you,"
"I love ye to Mo Graidh," he kisses me softly and I fall asleep in his arms.

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