Chapter 13

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Chapter title- I Love You

•Claire's pov•
~Back in the 18th Century~
Those curls, in the wind... I'd recognize those everywhere.
Those muscles going tense when he puts his pitchfork in the ground.
"Jamie..." I whisper softly and Faith looks up to me.
"Is da there?"
I nod. "Here, stay here with Willie," I hand Willie to her and take a few steps. "Stay here, call for me if something is really wrong,"
I take another few steps feeling very nervous.
When I'm only a 20 meters away from him I have enough courage to call for him.
"Jamie!" I yell but he doesn't seem to respond, for a moment I'm afraid it's all an hallucination.
I hesitate for a moment but call him again after taking a few steps. "Jamie!"
His head jerks up and looks around until he sees me.
He doesn't move and looks frozen.
"Jamie!" I yell again and run to him.
Someone in the fields says something to Jamie and he looks at the man.
After what he said Jamie looks at me again and runs to me.
I run in his arms and with all the speed I have that I knock him to the ground, and I hug him tight like I did day and every night before we got separated.
"Jamie! I- I can't believe I'm in your arms again,"
"Yer real!" He mumbles softly.
I can feel his tears in my neck so I hug him tighter.
"Why are ye here? I sent ye away!" He says and his voice is shaky.
"I can't leave you forever Jamie! I just can't.."
He kisses my hair a hundred times and we never let go of eachother, feeling safe in the others embrace.
"I missed you!"
He kisses my forehead and cups his hands around my head. "I've missed you too Claire, more then I've ever missed anyone,"
He bursts into tears, and I wipe them away as best as I can.
We both stand up and I give him another hug, his hands on my back and on my head.
I look up and the tears are already in my eyes again, after wiping them away just seconds ago.
"What is it Sassenach? Are ye hurt? Did someone do something to ye?" He asks worried.
I shake my head. "No don't worry, it's just.. I'm so happy to see you again, and uhh..."
He looks at me and takes my hands. "Just what Sassenach?"
I smile. "I think your children would like to see you too, Faith has been most excited to see you again,"
His eyes light up and I put my hand on his cheek. "And uh- you uh you have a son,"
A smile comes on his face. "I have a son too?"
I nod. "Now you have a daughter and a son,"
He kisses me and looks at where Faith and Willie are.
"Stay here," I whisper and I run to them.
Faith looks at me with hopeful eyes.
"You can go to him darling," I say and she runs towards him.

•Jamie's Pov•
Claire runs to our children and I get a second to realize what just happend.
My Claire, my Faith and my son are back.
A little while later I see Faith running to me and I go to her.
Sitting on my knees, she runs in my arms. "Da!"
"My Cridhe. How I've missed you," I say hugging her tight. "God... are ye alright?"
She nods happily. "I've missed you, and I'm so happy I'm back with you!"
I hug her even tighter and pick her up, and stand up again.
I see Claire approaching us with our son.
"Faith, you may hug with your father again soon, but I think he would like to meet his son too," Claire says and I give her a kiss on her cheek and carefully put her down.
Claire hands me our son and I hold him.
I take one look at him and see both Claire and my features.
Unlike Faith her hair, his hair is dark but his eyes are the same as mine and Faith.
"I think you'd like to know his name too," she says softly.
I nod. "Aye, may be handy for when I want to call him," I say joking.
She smiles. "His name is.... William Ian Murtagh, Willie for short,"
I look up to her and she gives me a sweet smile, while my eyes are burning with tears. "What? How did— why? I-" I feel utterly confused not knowing what to say but she puts her hand in my shoulder. "I wanted to name him something with a meaning, like we did with Faith. And I though what better way to do that with, your brother, brother in law and your godfather,"
I smile and a tears drops from my face. "It's beautiful Claire,"
She wipes away the tear and picks up Faith.
I keep holding Willie and his head is in my neck, resting.
"Perhaps we should go to the house," she says and I nod.
We walk trough the field while every man working there looks at us but I don't mind, I only have an eye for my family now, they have returned and this time I hope they will stay forever.
We reach the house and I want open the door but I see Claire's nervous look.
"What is it Mo Grádh?"
"Do they blame me? For leaving you?"
I shake my head abruptly. "No, Sassenach. They miss you a lot, they dinna blame you for anything, I told them... what had happend"
She smiles and nods so I open the door.
We walk in carefully and I see Ma in the kitchen.
I clear my throat. "Ma, look who's here,"
She turns around and her face goes pale as soon as she sees all of us.
"Claire?" She asks shocked and Claire smiles.
"Yes, it's me," she puts Faith down and walks to ma.
"Thank the lord," Ma says hugging her tight, after she lets go she cups Claire's head in her hands. "I've missed you so, my daughter,"
"I've missed you too, and Faith too," Claire says and Ma looks at Faith.
"My granddaughter, why have you grown so much?" She smiles and showers her with kisses.
"I got older!" She say grinning.
"Aye, your almost 4 now," she says and I see the tears in Ellens eyes.
She stands up again and takes a look at Willie.
"And you, I would like to meet you," she says and I hand Willie to her.
"Meet yer grandson," I say proudly picking up Faith again. "William Ian Murtagh,"
She looks at me and then at Claire. "What have you done? Yer the most amazing woman on earth Claire. I'm so happy yer back,"
Claire smiles bright and it makes me tear up.
I put Willie in Ma's arms and pick up Faith.
She looks up at me and smiles and I just hug her tight again.
"Hold me Claire," I whisper and she does, wrapping her arms around my back and her head in my shoulders.
"I will never leave you again Jamie, no matter what, from now on, it's Forever," she says softly in my shoulder.
"It has always been forever for me Sassenach," I say pulling away and I kiss her.
We look at Ma who's proudly sitting at the couch with Faith and Willie.
"Christ, is that you Claire?" I can hear dad asking in full surprise behind us.
We turn around and Claire nods. "It is,"
He laughs and hugs her. "Oh lass, you really came back then?"
"I have, forever this time,"
He nods. "And the bairns?"
"With their Granny," I say and we turn to Ma again.
"Faith! I see ye came back too!"
Faith smiles and hugs dad. "I've missed ye too!"
"Christ Claire, does she speak wi' a Scottish accent?" I ask turning to her.
She just smiles. "Well, yes. I didn't teach it to her, neither did.... Frank. She just did it herself, picked it up from you probably, and didn't stop with it,"
I smile proudly. "Good, it suits her,"
She nods and leans her head on my shoulder.
I take her hand and we walk to Dad who's now holding Willie.
"That's your grandson, William Ian Murtagh," Claire says and dad eyes light up too with the name.
"Verra thoughtful lass, verra beautiful," he says admiring Willie. "And last name Fraser I hope,"
"Oh yes ofcourse. I wouldn't want it to be..." she thinks for a moment about our history with the name 'Randall' before speaking of it. "Well Frank's last name,"
"What was his last name?" Ma asks.
"Randall," I say coldly.
She nods.
"Yes, Frank was Black Jack Randall's family," I say to clear up the confusion
"I see," she says and focuses her energy back on the children.
I take Claire to the dining room and sit her down.
"Frank, did he take ye back Claire? Did he care for you and the bairns?"
"Yes, he took us with him, he cared for us," she replies.
"Did he hurt ye?"
She shakes her head. "No, he didn't,"
"Have you left him to come here? Or is he dead?" I ask sitting beside her.
"I left him.. he didn't know, i mean he knows you're alive but he doesn't know I know about you being alive."
"What was Willie's first word to say?" I give her a smile.
"Mama, Frank took care of him when I wasn't there, but I was there a lot so Frank didn't really interact with the children. Faith always talked to Willie about you, said 'Da' a lot, he said that too very quick,"
I smile, feeling my heart warm.
"Did Faith remember me without stories?" I ask curious.
She nods carefully. "She remembered you, but not things you'd done together, she remembered that you called her 'Mo Cridhe' or 'A Leannan' but not any activities,"
"How did you know I wasn't gone?"
"Frank gathered the information, all in a folder kind of thing, or a map, about Culloden, a new tab was added with Fraser, all kind of documents about you and Lallybroch. But Christ Jamie, why all the questions?"
"I just needed some answers, to... make sure yer alright," I stand up and take her hand.
"Well, I'm alright, I hope you are?"
I kiss her. "Aye, some new scars on my body, but dinna fash yerself about it,"
She smiles and stand up. "Alright,"
"But we should have a party in celebration, that Lady Brock Tuarach is back, and our mini's too, shouldn't we?"
"Perhaps, would be nice to see everyone again, did they know... I left you?" She looks hesitant.
"Sassenach, stop saying ye left me, it's sounds bad,"
"Well I did leave you didn't I?"
I shake my head and take her hands. "You didn't, anyone who says that you did, can go to hell,"
She laughs and hugs me. "I've missed being in your arms," she whispers and I kiss her head.
We stand there a few seconds and then we had a loud scream.
Claire lets go of me and we run back in the living room.
Jenny and Ian are standing in the doorway looking shocked at Faith and Willie, and then at us.
"Claire?" Jenny asks carefully.
"Jenny," she whispers and it feels awkward at first.
Jenny comes to us and hugs Claire tight. "Ye came back?"
She nods. "Yes, I found out Jamie didn't die and went back, I couldn't stay there if I can be here,"
Jenny smiles and lets go of her. "We've missed ye, I'm happy yer back."
Ian hugs her too and I take Willie from Ma.

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