Chapter 6

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Chapter title- Gathering men

•Claire's pov•
~6 Months Later~
"Goodmorning Sassenach, ye ready for the day again?" Jamie says waking me up with soft kisses.
"Mmm," I mumble opening my eyes slowly.
"I have thought about what ye said, about making a decision for the war,"
I sit up and take his hand. "What are you going to do?"
"I have to fight Claire, I dinna see another way,"
I sigh and give him a weak smile. "Are you sure?"
He nods and I place my hand on his cheek.
I step out of bed. "Then I'm coming with you,"
"No Claire, I'm no' taking ye to a dangerous place like that,"
"You'd think I'd let you go there alone?"
"Claire we have a daughter... I canna take her mother away from her for god knows how long,"
"Exactly, we have a daughter. I need to protect her father, I will not have her grow up wi'out you,"
He steps out of bed and puts his arms around me.
"Fine, I'll ask mama or Jenny if they can take care of Faith for as long as we're gone," he kisses me and I take Faith out of bed.
When she snuggles up to me a tear escapes my eye.
"Sassenach.." he says seeing the tear.
"It's okay, I'm just going to miss her," I look at my sweety. "I am going to miss you, your my baby,"
He hugs us and wipes away my tear.
"Come let's dress up," he say and I lay Faith back.
I quickly put in my dress and then put some clothes on Faith.
"My lassies all dressed up, bonnie," he says content and gives us a smile.
Faith giggles seeing Jamie smile and he takes her from my arms.
"Her giggle is so cute," I say smiling brightly.
"Aye, yer adorable," he says tickling her.
She giggles more and we go downstairs.
"Mama, we need to ask ye a favor," Jamie says when we see Ellen.
"Aye, what is it?"
"I'm going to fight for Prince Charles, and Claire willna let me go alone, so we wanted to ask ye if ye all could take care of Faith,"
She looks at me. "Why won't ye let Jamie go alone? He's a strong lad,"
"I know, but I can't stay here for all those months till Culloden not knowing if Jamie's alright. I can't let him go knowing my daughter might grow up with her father," I explain to her.
"Culloden? What's with Culloden?" She asks confused.
"The final battle of-" I say but Jamie stops me. "She doesna ken remember?"
"I dinna ken what? This sounds important and yer not telling me,"
I take a few steps back and take Jamie with me. "We should tell her, tell everything to everyone. Keeping a secret like this isna going to do any good for later,"
He nods and goes to find everyone.
"Ellen, there is something we need to tell you, something big but we need to tell everyone if we tell you. Otherwise it's all to complicated,"
She nods and helps me grab some drinks.
"Thank god we have whiskey, but I think we should grab another bottle cause what we're about to say is hard to believe," Jamie says grinning at the whiskey.
"What if they think I'm a witch?"
"Mo Graidh.. Dinna fash yerself. They won't think that and if they will let them, I'll always love ye remember?" He hugs me and sits me down.
Everyone joins us and I start my story.
"I'm not from here.. I'm from the future. Born in 1918. I travelled trough some stones, at Craigh Na Dunn,"
Everyone is quiet for a few seconds.
"I know it's hard to believe, but asks me anything, I'll answer if I know," I continue.
"What happens with the risings?" Brian asks immediately.
"I don't know details, but at first the Highlanders have several victories but at Culloden they're wiped out. The British have heavy armament, canons and lots of guns, but the Highlanders they don't have that. Thousands die."
Ellen gulps softly and I can see Jamie looking down.
"Please I wouldn't say this if it isn't true,"
It's quiet again.
"What was yer life like before ye came here?" Jenny asks then.
I smile. "I was a nurse in the world war. I was married at nineteen and I was raised by my uncle, he was an archeologist,"
I tell them a lot of my life before and soon it's already time for supper.
"I do believe ye Claire, but we canna take care of Faith while the both of ye are on a battlefield. May she loose her parents she should spent time with ye, so take her," Ellen says who still has Faith on her lap.
"Nah, we canna take our daughter to a battle field, she isna even one year old," Jamie protests.
"Jamie.. I think she's right. Your not going to die but if you do then... it's good for Faith to spend time with you," I say careful.
He nods slowly and kisses my forehead. "It's going to be fine Mo Nighean Donn. I promise, no matter what you and Faith will be safe,"
I stand up and take Faith. "Well my darling, we should prepare you than shouldn't we?"
She smiles again and it melts my heart. "Oh my baby,"
I hand her to Jamie and she stretches her arms. "Da.." she mumbles.
I was just about to put the pillows neat on the couch when I hear her.
"Jezus Christ.. did ye just say 'Da'?" Jamie says with big eyes.
She gives him a small smile and he hugs her.
"Did she really?" I ask him in disbelief.
"Aye she did, clever girl are you!" He says happily.
"It's way to early for her to speak, it's normal if they do it between 12 and 18 months, but she's only 9 months old,"
Jamie laughs softly and I hug him.
"Our beautiful and smart girl," I whisper resting my head on his shoulder.
Ellen walks in the room and sees as looking at Faith.
"What happend? Is she okay?" She asks worried.
I take my head away from Jamie's shoulder. "Everything is fine, great even," I say happy.
"Why? What happend?"
Jamie takes his eyes from Faith. "She said 'Da',"
"She did? She really early wi' that then,"
I nod and take Faith again.
"I'll get her size and make some better clothes," I say and I walk upstairs.
I spent all week making different outfits.
"Jamie Fraser! Come now!" I yell down standing in the doorway.
A few seconds later he's standing in front of me. "What did I do Sassenach?" He asks worried.
I grin. "I'm finished, I have enough clothes, come and look,"
He walks in and sees all the clothes.
"Christ Sassenach, ye have made a lot,"
I take Faith and dress her up in my favorite outfit.
"This is my favorite one," I say and show Jamie.
"Fraser colors.." he whispers and takes Faith from my hands.
"You like it?"
"It's beautiful, yer so bonnie Faith, my girl," he hugs her and kisses her head softly.
"Da.." she mumbles again.
"Aye, that's right, I'm yer da,"
I take the other clothes and put them in a small box.
"Jamie, you know we leave tomorrow right?"
"Aye, why do ye say?"
I sigh. "You haven't packed anything ye need,"
"I canna bring myself to it," he says softly.
I shake my head smiling faintly and pack some of his clothes.
"Supper's ready!" Jenny yells from downstairs.
I take Faith and we walk downstairs.
Jamie sits down at a table and I place Faith on her little playground.
"Stay here sweety. We'll be done soon," I kiss her copper hair and I sit beside Jamie.
"So what's yer first step?" Brian asks.
"Murtagh and Fergus will go ahead while Claire and I go to Beauly," he says taking his plate from Ellen.
"Beauly? To grandfather?" Jenny asks shocked.
"Aye, to gather some men,"
"Yer going to visit the old fox for men? Man he wouldn't even give ye a loaf of bread of ye asked,"
"I can try," he says stubbornly.
"I'm sorry, what's so wrong about yer grandfather?" I ask confused.
"He tried to abduct me," Ellen says like it's normal.
I nearly choke on my food.
"Sassenach? Are ye alright?" Jamie asks worried handing me some water.
"I'm fine, but why are we going to your grandfather who tries to abduct your mother? I mean do you even know the man?"
Before Jamie can answer Jenny does. "He has seen him once in his life aye,"
"Once? You've seen your grandfather once?"
He nods and continues to eat unbothered.
"Every time he comes we kick him out. He isna welcome here," Brian says seeing my confusion.
I nod. "And ye weren't going to tell me?" I ask Jamie.
"Tomorrow, on our way,"
"Right," I say and I continue to eat.
Halfway dinner Faith starts to cry and I get up.
I pick her up and comfort her. "Don't cry sweety,"
She snuggles up to me and calms down quickly.
"That's it, nothings wrong."
Jamie comes from behind me. "Go eat, I'll take care of her,"
I nod and hand Faith to him and continue to eat.

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