Chapter 12

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Chapter title- I'm coming

~2 Years After Culloden~

•Jamie's pov•
I'm sitting in my room, reading a bit and looking at Claire's letter when redcoats come again.
They come every single day by now but this time there are only two men.
"Mister Fraser," one of 'em yells.
Dad and Ma come out of the house and I look trough the window to see what's happening.
"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"
"No, we have a message for ye sir,"
Dad nods and Mama looks nervous.
"Mister James Fraser has been pardoned. Information has been exchanged for his freedom,"
I can feel a whole wave of shock go trough my body.
"What do ye mean?" Ma asks confused.
"Yer son James is no langer an outlaw, he's free to walk the earth without getting arrested,"
"Thank you sir," Dad says and they ride of again.
I walk downstairs and Mama comes to hug me.
"Yer a free man, again lad,"
I nod. "Aye I suppose I am,"
"Yer not happy about it?" Dad asks confused.
"I am, I just need to proces it I guess," I give them a smile and go outside.
It's feels good not having to worry about anyone trying to arrest me, but yet it's not good enough.
I want Claire, Faith and my other bairn wi' me.
"I'll move on for you Sassenach, and for you A Leannan, both of ye," I whisper into the sky.
I stay outside for a few minutes and then I walk back inside.
Mama comes from the stairs and she's holding a piece of paper.
"Jamie.. what is this?" She asks giving me the letter from Claire.
"How did ye get this?"
"I was going to let some fresh air in yer room since yer in no danger of getting arrested anymore and it was laying in the ground,"
I look at the letter and see the writing is a bit smudged but still readable luckily.
"Jamie? What is this?" Mama asks again.
"It's a letter.. from Claire, she wrote it the day Faith was born. I didna ken it at the time, but I found it in one of the books ye gave me. The one she was reading,"
"It's a sweet letter, Jamie. Ye should treasure it," she says smiling.
"Aye, I'll do, always will, it's the only thing I really have left of her besides our wedding gift,"
"That's no' true," she says and she runs off.
I'm confused why she ran off but I wait a few minutes and then I hear loud noise of something fall and my mother yelling. "Christ, damn ye all,"
I run to the stables and I find her there sitting on the ground beside a chest.
"Ma, are you alright?" I ask worried helping her up.
"Aye, I just tripped over the chest, but I'm fine," she pats her dress a bit to get the dust off.
"What's this?" I ask brushing of some dust.
She smiles. "Open it,"
I hesitate for a second but open it anyway.
"Christ... these are Claire's clothes...from Paris,"
She nods. "Aye,"
"How do ye have these?"
"Well, apparently someone send them a week before Culloden, I received them when ye were sick, I didna want to hurt ye by showing them, but perhaps it was exactly what I need to do,"
Tears are in my eyes touching the dresses.
"I'm sorry Jamie, I didna mean to upset ye," she says putting her hand on my back.
"No it's fine, thank ye Mama. It means a lot to me," I pick up the chest and take it to my room.
I place it in the corner and take out of few to hang in the room.
"Bonnie," I whisper softly and I go down stairs again.
"I heard yer no longer an outlaw," Ian says patting my back.
"Aye, after two years,"
He nods smiling. "I see I have my fieldwork man back, ye can help me again,"
"I missed doing that, doing something without having to watch my arse every second,"
He laughs and I grab some whiskey.

•Claire's pov•
~1 year and 9 months after Culloden~
"God, he's literally 15 months old, can't he stop crying?" Frank says annoyed while I try to shush Brian.
"He's just a child, leave him alone," I mumble and I walk out of the room.
We still sleep in the same room but we have two beds now, I honestly don't mind that much, now I can feel more with Jamie since no one is laying beside me.
Faith asked me once, about a year ago, why Frank and I didn't sleep in the same bed anymore, I told her that that was simply not what we wanted, she said to me, you and Da slept in the same bed. And I nodded, and told her I loved Jamie, and that I didn't love Frank that way, she never mentioned it again.
I walk downstairs and see Faith's already on the couch.
"Darling, why are you up so early?" I sit beside her and see the tears in her eyes.
"Baby what is it? Did you have a nightmare?"
She shakes her head. "No, I had a dream.. about Da, not really about Da, but I had a dream we'd never see him again..."
"Oh sweetheart," I pull her close. "It is going to be fine, I promise you,"
"Will I ever see him again Mama?"
I think for a second what to say. "Yes, you will, I promise,"
She smiles and takes Willie. "I want to play with him,"
I nod and go to the kitchen, I see the light of Frank's desk burning so I walk there to put it out when I find his Culloden map again.
A new tab has been put in and I see 'Fraser' on it.
I open it and see all kinds of newspapers things about Jamie.
I read one and see it's of 2 years after Culloden.
'Jamie Fraser has been pardoned for all his crimes and is a free man'
My heart stops for a moment when I realize he's still alive, now but in his time.
A smile appears on my face knowing I can go back.
I take the map and bring it to Faith. "Darling, remember when you said you were afraid you'd never see your father again?"
She giggles. "Yes Mama, that was like a minute ago,"
"Well look at this!" I say showing her the map.
"I canna read mama," she says and I smile.
"Right, well it's says that your father is pardoned for all his crime, he's a free man, meaning we can go to him,"
Her eyes light up by the mention of going back. "We can? When will we go?"
I put my hand on her cheek. "Well leave when Frank is at work," I think for a second. "We'll go to Elena, make some preparations and go to him as soon as possible,"
She smiles. "I see Da again,"
"You will, and so will you Willie, he'll be happy I hope," I say taking Willie again.
"Mama," he says stretching out his arms.
I smile and take him to the kitchen.
"Want bacon and eggs darling?" I ask Faith who has come in the kitchen now too.
"Yes! And you can give me Willie, I'll take care of him when you make breakfast,"
I smile. "Thank you, sweety," I say and I hand her Willie again.
I bake some eggs and bacon, and when I'm almost done Frank comes down.
"Sorry darling, I was so rude this morning, I just wanted some sleep. These are long days I'm working,"
I give him a smile. "I know, care for some breakfast?"
He nods and sits at the table. "Goodmorning kids,"
Faith mutters a goodmorning and Willie only smiles.
I put the plates in front of everyone and sit on the last empty chair.
We eat and talk a bit, but it's mostly quiet
"Well I have to go, otherwise I might be late," he says grabbing his coat.
I stand up and walk with him to the door. "Good luck with your work today,"
He smiles and he kisses me.
After he pulls away I smile and he walks out.
When I'm sure I take Faith and Willie and put them on the couch.
"Stay here, I'm calling Elena, she can help us," I walk to the telephone and call her.
"Yes ofcourse I'll help you, I'll come to get you,"
I thank her and hang up.
~A Couple Of Weeks Later~
I have gathered everything I need, clothes, some money and gemstones.
We're standing at Craigh Na Dunn, with Elena.
"Thank you for everything, Elena. You've been a true friend, I'm going to miss you," I say and I hug her.
She doesn't let go for a few seconds and I see the tears in her eyes. "I will miss you to Claire,"
"Don't cry," I say cupping her head in my hands. "If you ever want to feel my presence just go up here, talk to me,"
She nods ands says her goodbye to the children.
"Faith sweety hold this," I say handing her a gemstone.
I put one in Willie's jacket too and hold one myself.
"Faith think about your father and don't let go of me," I say and she nods. "And you Willie, hug me tight alright? Think about mama and Faith? Only about us,"
He smiles and both of them cling to me.
"Goodbye Claire, send my regards to your Jamie. And good luck,"
"Goodbye Elena, you too good luck with your life," I say and she nods.
I walk to the biggest stone and I can hear the buzzing, I take on more step and touch the stone.
A force pulls to me and I hold Faith and Willie close to me.
Then I get knocked out.

"Mama!" I can hear Faith yell. "Wake up,"
I open my eyes and feel Willie in my arms and I see Faith sitting beside me.
"Faith, are you okay sweetheart?" I ask checking Willie.
She nods and Willie seems to be alright too.
"Come we have to walk a long time," I say taking her hand.
"I've got energy mama!" She smiles and walks full of energy.
~A Week Later, At A British Ford~
"Sir! Sir I need some help!" I say stopping a redcoat.
Both Faith and Willie clutched to my chest.
"What is it Ma'am? Would your children like to sit down? They look exhausted," he asks and pulls two chairs.
"Thank you Sir," I say putting Faith on a chair and sitting on one myself with Willie on my lap.
"I need you to do something?" I say to him and he looks surprised. "What is it?"
"I need you to release James Fraser of all his crime,"
He looks surprised. "I can't just let a man go,"
"No I understand that," I say and he nods. "But.. I can exchange some information for his freedom,"
"What kind of information?" He asks curious.
"The location of Prince Charlie, I know where he is,"
He looks shocked and calls in another man and whispers something in his ear.
"So you want to trade Prince Charlie's location for James Fraser's freedom?"
I nod. "I can give you his location, but only if you release James from his crimes."
"Then you have a deal madam. Sir Leftwood, go bring the news to James Fraser that he's free of his crimes," he says and the redcoat walks out.
I tell the man everything I know and he writes down everything.
"Thank you Madam, for his location,"
I nod and take Faith and Willie with me and go outside.
We walk for 3 weeks, all of us are tired, exhausted but we have to continue.
Finally we arrive on the fields, 2 years and 2 weeks since Culloden and I miss Jamie dearly.
We continue to walk trough fields for almost half an hour until I see people working, and Lallybroch in the back.
"We made it, you see that honey?" I ask Faith and she smiles.
We walk a little further and then I see him.
Jamie, I'm sure. Those red curles, I'd recognize that everywhere.

<once again, I know it's short but..... I will make it up>

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