Chapter 15

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Chapter title- Guess Who's Here?

•Jamie's pov•
~2 weeks later~
"Jamie! Come down now! There is trouble," mama yells and I look at Claire.
She looks worried and we go downstairs with the bairns.
"What is it?" I ask and I see one of the tenants in the living room.
"My laird, my lady," he says bowing and I hold Claire's hand.
"What's wrong?" Claire asks afraid of what's to come.
"I dinna want to upset ye, but there is this woman, I dinna ken her name, but she's talking bad about Lady Broch Tuarach. And I though I might warn ye,"
Claire's body tenses and I feel my blood boil. "Who are there? Are there tenants too?"
He nods. "They are angry at the woman but some villagers have come and believe she's right about Milady being a witch or anything else,"
I put Faith down and I look at Claire. "I'm going there, ye stay here,"
She shakes her head and hands Willie to mama. "I'm coming with you,"
"No, Claire I don't want you too,"
She tightened her grip on my hand. "They are saying the things about me, I'm going with you,"
I nod and we follow the man for 5 minutes until we come to a big group of people shouting.
"The woman is a witch! Not trustable!" We hear someone shout.
The tenants see us and we get ourself in the middle of the group.
We see Laoghaire standing on a small podium. "She cast a spell on James Fraser, to make him fall in love with him and forces him to bed her so she has children, that way he'll never get rid of her," she shouts and the villagers agree.
I sigh, I'm starting to get sick of the 'spell' story
"That's not true! Mistress Fraser isn't a witch! And god wouldn't want to give anyone who does those things children!" One of tenants yells.
"She deceived god too! She's from the devil herself!" Laoghaire yells and the villagers agree with her again.
I tighten my grip on Claire's hand.
"She has put the same kind of spell on his family, so they'd like her," she yells. "She has been tried for being a witch together with Geillis Duncan, but she escaped and ran away, which means she guilty!"
The villagers start to yell all kind of mean things like, "the devils whore" or "sassenach witch"
In the end all the villagers are yelling whore all together and I look at Claire.
Tears are in her eyes as the villagers says the things about her.
She turns her head to me and the pain is jumping from her eyes.
My heart quietly breaks to see the sight of pain in her.
"Claire," I whisper but she shakes it off.
"They're just words," she lets go of my hand to wipe away her tears.
All of the sudden the villagers start pushing trough the tenants to pick a fight and I loose sight of Claire.
"Claire? Claire where are you?" I yell around but I canna find her.

•Claire's pov•
I get pushed away from Jamie by everyone and end up somewhere on the side of all the commotion.
"Mistress are ye okay?" One of the tenants asks when I stumble.
I nod and he goes back to the group to stop the villagers.
I try to find Jamie between the men but it's impossible to find him between all these men.
"Sassenach witch, ye'll get what ye deserve," Laoghaire says behind me.
I turn around and in her face is the look of satisfaction and anger.
"Why Laoghaire? Why? I thought you were a nice girl, why are you like this?" I ask hopeless.
"Because ye stole Jamie away from me," she says with a wicked smile.
I shake my head disappointed. "I didn't, our marriage was arranged but yes we love eachother, is that so wrong?"
She nods. "'Tis, because Jamie belongs with me, it's supposed to be that way, it is gods will!"
She pulls out a gun and quickly I hear a shot.
I cover my ears and close my eyes.
A few seconds later I take my hands from my ears and I open my eyes.
I look down and the white upperpart of my body is starting to become red of my blood, slowly dripping to my blue skirt.
"You bloody shot me," I say getting dizzy and stumble a bit.
"I did, it's what ye deserve," she runs and I slowly feel like falling on the ground.
Am I really going to die like this? Shot? Murdered? No peaceful ending for me? And worst of all, without Jamie by my side.
I feel arms around me and I get picked up.
First I thought it was Jamie but when I look at him I see its Frank.
"Frank?" I ask confused, thinking I'm hallucinating .
"Claire!" He says and now I'm sure it is Frank.
"How-" I say but he interrupts me.
"I doesn't matter now, you need to be helped, how?" He asks panicked.
"Jamie," I whisper and he knows what to do.
He seems to hate the idea and I don't blame him but calls for him anyway.
"Jamie! Jamie Fraser!" He yells a few times and soon Jamie comes running from the crowd.
"Claire! No! Please lord no! Claire! Can ye hear me? Mo Calman Geal? Claire please?" He asks worriedly touching my face not looking at Frank at all who's still holding me.
"Jamie," I whisper and try to reach for him but fail.
"Give her to me," he says still not looking at Frank and soon I feel his muscled arms around me.
"Dinna fash Mo Nighean Donn, I'll get ye home, mama will know what to do," he says and applies pressure and the wound as much as he possibly can.
I can feel him start moving and I notice that he starts to run.
Even under the circumstances I feel safer in Jamie's arms, but I don't know what he'll do to Frank when he looks at him.
Quickly I see Lallybroch appear vaguely and I hear a sigh of relief from Jamie.
He bursts the door open and starts yelling.
"They shot Claire! She's hurt, verra bad ," he shoves everything from the table and lies me upon it.
Ellen rushed to my side to check the wound.
"It is that Claire tought me about this that I know what to do but we'll have to hurry!" She says and Jenny appears by her side to.
"O dears lord," she says seeing the wound.
Jamie takes of my clothes until I'm in my shift and shirts so Ellen can work easier.
I reach for Jamie's hand and he immediately grabs it. "I love you,"
He shakes his head fiercely. "No, don't say your goodbyes Claire, youre going to survive do ye hear me? Your not going to die!"
I nod. "I don't hope so, but.. Jamie I'll pass out soon. Say you'll stay by my side and that you'll not go away from me, don't go anywhere or do something else," I manage to get out struggling.
He nods . "Aye, I'll promise ye Sassenach,"
I smile and I can feel his soft lips my forehead before everything goes black.

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