The Early Years

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You didn't meet Jack until your first year of high school even though you had been friends with Urban for about a year before that. How you never met Jack neither of you were sure.

You lived next door to Urban, but despite that you went to a different middle school then they did. Most of the time you and Urban would hang out, it was usually after your curfews, when you had to be home, but you would both end up in your backyards. One of you "sneaking" over to the others backyard. Well, as well as you could as middle schoolers.

Over that year you and Urban got extremely close, eventually hanging out almost every night, continuing all the way through summer. Urban had always wanted to introduce you to his other friends, but for whatever reason it just never happened, until the first day of high school.

Urban introduced you to all his friends in the morning, then you all walked home together in the afternoon. All of his friends like you, I mean you were one of Urban's best friends after all, but Jack took a special interest in getting to know you. It wasn't even a crush, at least if it was, he didn't notice at the time, he had just heard Urban talk about you so much.

"You know, Urban's talked about you so much, but none of the rest of us met you, so I was starting to think you didn't exist." Jack told you, teasing Urban who hit Jack's shoulder.

"Hey, I tried before, it's not my fault." Urban defended himself, truthfully, he could have tried a little harder, but in a way, he enjoyed having you as a little "secret" someone he could talk about anything with and it wouldn't make it back to his friends, but by this point he trusted you.

"Well, I hope I live up to your expectations." You joked. "Nice to know you've been telling your friends about me." You said to Urban, who raised his hands in defense.

"I'm starting to regret introducing you if all you are going to do is gang up on me." Urban laughed, but it was also partially the truth.

That's exactly what you and Jack continued to do for the next 2 years. Just like you and Urban had grown close, you grew close with Jack. Little did either of you know, both you and Jack had confided in Urban on your crushes on each other. Urban was good at keeping secrets though, and he was a little afraid he told the other, you would both hate him, so neither of you found out through him.

Though Urban had already known about your crushes on each other before either of you did. He could from the way you two would gravitate towards each other, how if you didn't walk into school with Urban one day Jack would ask where you were before he even greeted Urban, and then would continue to text you throughout the day to check on you. Urban also noticed how if you didn't want to go somewhere all he had to do was mention that Jack would be there and you would suddenly change your mind, sometimes Urban used that one to his advantage when he wanted you to go somewhere with him. It didn't take long for you to catch on start checking with Jack first.

Urban was never the one to play matchmaker, but for you two it was different. All he had to do was get you both willing to admit that you liked each other. He had tried on a couple different occasions, but it never fully worked. A couple weeks before you or Jack confessed your feelings to Urban you had invited Urban and Jack over one day after school, but Urban claimed he had plans, but he didn't. He was smart enough to go home separate from you and Jack, but he still went home.

You and Jack were sitting on your bed, you were both studying for a test you had that week, well you were really the only one studying. Jack couldn't help but get distracted, glancing over at you until you would look over at him, then he would quickly look back at his books.

"I know you're staring at me." You teased, making Jack blush, Jack looked up and out your window, not wanting to look at you, hoping you wouldn't notice his blush.

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