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When Belladonna awoke her body felt slightly stiff and so she stretched out and squinted against the light evading her eyes from the open window

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When Belladonna awoke her body felt slightly stiff and so she stretched out and squinted against the light evading her eyes from the open window. Something was pinning her down and it's uncomfortableness made her sigh happily leaning into the body that made her overly warm.

Turning around to peak there was Steve Harrington sleeping sound fully and snoring lightly while clutching Bella close to him.

The pale girl smiles so big it looks psychotic as her heart hammered harder then usual even. He was hers. He called her Cara Mia. He cared for her and that made Bella's burning passion for him burn even more brutally.

She loved him. And she truly believed he must nearly love her after a nights Hared like that.

Bella looked at the time and sadly removed herself from Steve as she found her clothes from the night before. She didn't put them on, instead she stole one of Steve's shirts and pants hugging them to her and sniffing them. They smelled strongly of his familiar cologne and scent.

Bella changed and grabbed a sticky note from his desk writing a quick and short message basically telling him to call her when he awoke. That she needed to head home to get ready for school.

Bella sticks the note to his book bag and begins her long painful yet exciting walk home.

By the time she made it to the graveyard her feet had blissful blisters. Belladonna went straight to her room and grabbed a beautiful short plaid red dress for school. As she gets ready Morticia knocks and looks at her daughter with joy.

"Did you have fun?" Morticia asks while running a brush through her daughters hair. She had a knowing smile.

"Indeed. Steve and his girlfriend broke up, which gave me the chance to steal his heart." Belladonna brags as Morticia smiles even wider. "That's my girl. Was it painful for her?" She asks and her daughter nods and smiles even more.

"It was excruciating for her." Bella says with joy as her mother smiles and finally stops toying with her hair. "You should bring him here for dinner soon. We can have nail polish remover and frogs heart for dinner." Morticia says with a glint as her daughter immediately nods.

"Of course. I just hope he likes it...." Bella says softly as Morticia rubs her back staring back at her through the mirror. "If he doesn't that's okay. Love is love..... even if he is mundane if he makes you happy then- we will also get pizza." Morticia offers and Bella nods turns to face her mother in person.

"Thank you mother." She says before hugging the older Addams woman.

Bella and the other two children limbed into the bus like normal after breakfast. Belladonna looked so excited to get to school, she just wanted the chance to talk to Steve after what they'd done. Her heart just felt like it couldn't rest, funny how it went 17 years without beating yet now it wouldn't cease.

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