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Steve Harrington goes searching for Belladonna Addams the second he has finished cleaning the theater sign

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Steve Harrington goes searching for Belladonna Addams the second he has finished cleaning the theater sign.

He needed to say sorry.... for some reason he felt terrible even worse than when she had overheard him talking to Nancy.

So he first tries to go to her house which... felt like a challenge in itself especially doing it alone.

Steve rings the doorbell that creepily sounds like people screaming bloody murder as it rings. When the screams finally stop the door opens and the man Steve saw in the school office stands there looking even more intimidating then he did then.

"I'm uh- I'm here looking for Belladonna?" Steve says with an awkward throat clearing noise as he thinks of the girl who probably hates his guys right now.

The man slowly nods and takes a step back allowing Steve to step inside. The boy does so assuming that means that the brunette beauty was there but oh no.... She wasn't Lurch had simply been told if this specific boy were to stop by to allow him inside.

The butler slowly leaves  Steve standing there to shift foot to foot anxiously as his eyes dart around the foyer walls.

The walls are painted pitch black so even with the lights the house appeared dark inside. The walls have painted pictures of long dead family members.

As Steve's eyes look around wearily he hears a strange scattering sound.

At first he brushed it off as mice or maybe even a pet act or something until the scattering seemed to be growing closer and closer.

His eyes dart fearfully around as he gets the sensation he's being watched. As he whips around he feels something crawl up his leg and lets out a frightened yell expecting to see a rat or something crawl up his leg.

Instead he sees a hand.

A hand attached to nothing which makes the boy let out a scream and to fall on his butt as the hand rests on his shoulder. It grasps his shoulder tightly as he tries to fling it off in a panic.

"What- WHAT THE HELL!" Steve yells as the hand sticks to him finally he gives up as it's clear the hand isn't going to let go easily. And once he's finally stopped thrashing the hand lessens its grip to one of relaxation as it looks at him and moves around like it's saying something.

"I don't- I don't understand." Steve says timidly and the hand looks exasperated before pointing at something behind the boy among him slowly turn to see a man staring at him.

Charming Spirit  🥀 (Steve Harrington)Where stories live. Discover now