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After the wild escapade involving Hime, a mere snap of his fingers banished the demons from sight. What she had done was both humiliating and gruesome, but he couldn't deny that he too had his share of dark deeds done to her.

To his astonishment, after centuries of bringing destruction and death, he discovered a faint beat in his long-dead heart. It was she who stirred emotions within him, making his heart flutter like never before. Amidst all the chaos, she managed to bring a semblance of tranquility into his existence.

Muzan had always believed change was beyond his grasp, a notion deeply ingrained in him. However, in the presence of that man's daughter—the offspring of that monstrous figure- he found himself striving to be better, if only for her sake.

Over the past month, he found himself increasingly drawn to her, spending more and more time together. Deep down, he sensed that she held something for him in her heart even before her memories resurfaced.

But before he knew it, he fell deeply and passionately for her. Her very presence intoxicated him, her scent lingering in his senses and muddling his thoughts.

It pained him to admit that he had been foolish, blinded by his own sense of pride. He had always believed his word to be absolute, and yet, she had managed to unravel him today.

She was his secret blue spider lily, a desire that had burned within him since the day he became a demon. He had initially intended to consume her, but now, he lacked the strength to follow through with such a plan.

In frustration, Muzan clenched his fists and unleashed his anger on the table before him, shattering it to pieces. He had to face the harsh truth: Hime would never be his, and that man possessed everything while he had nothing.
The day had stretched on longer than he had anticipated. His subordinates wisely refrained from bothering him with their questions, and he had no intention of summoning them anytime soon either.

Lost in his thoughts, his feet led him to the little, windy section of the beach, the same spot where he had taken her before. Vivid memories flooded back of the radiant smile that adorned her face that day—the most exquisite sight Muzan had ever beheld.

He could vividly envision her figure, reveling in the simple joy of the luminous sea stars.

A sharp pang clenched his chest, and instinctively, he placed his palm over his heart, a pained expression crossing his face.

Though no blood spilled, the ache in his chest felt all too real.

It was at that moment he realized, in his own convoluted way, that he loved her with every fiber of his being, every single cell within himself.

Hime's accusation cut deep; she held him responsible for her mother's death, despite him never laying a hand on her. The havoc he brought upon her relatives was undeniable, but he had spared her mother. However, there seemed to be no way to convince her of his innocence.

Her hatred for him surpassed anything he had ever encountered. Centuries of pent-up emotions fueled her rage, and she seemed unwilling to believe anything he said.

In the beginning, his intentions were to bend her to his will, just like he had done with his other subordinates. But he soon recognized that she was unlike anyone he had encountered before. Feelings of regret and remorse gnawed at him, coursing through his veins.

She was right. Love was a curse, and its twisted nature was undeniable.

Walking alone along the vast expanse of the beach, memories of their times together flooded his mind. She possessed a unique grace, captivating him in ways he couldn't explain.

Despite the opportunities she had given him with her body, he could never bring himself to act upon them until he knew, beyond any doubt, that she reciprocated his feelings.

A peculiar melancholic smile graced his face as memories of her flooded his mind. She had always been incredibly sassy, and her spunky nature was unforgettable. Hime was truly extraordinary, the kind of person you encounter only once in a lifetime.

Yet, amidst these thoughts, he knew he had to make a decision. With trouble looming on the horizon, he had to figure out what he truly wanted now. His enemies would soon come after him, and he needed to safeguard himself through it all.

However, he couldn't ignore the fact that driven by his obsession, he was determined to have her back. He wouldn't let her slip away, regardless of the circumstances. His possessiveness knew no bounds, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

In the face of impending danger, he had to be wise and resolute in his actions, for his life and hers hung in the balance.

Despite being someone who had always shunned emotional bonds and attachments, his love for her was a revelation. It engulfed him like a gasp of air after forgetting to breathe. The depth and intensity of his feelings were unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
Updated cause I have nothing better to do 🙆🏻‍♀️

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