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A month later

In the dimly lit hallway, she ventured into Muzan's chambers, her heart beating with anticipation. Muzan had been expecting her, for they had been drawn closer than ever before, spending an increasing amount of time together since his earnest request.

Ever since that eventful night at the entertainment district, Hime felt a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Strange faces flashed in her mind, and yet, oddly enough, the throbbing ache in her head seemed to subside whenever she dwelled on these images.

Now, Hime found solace in Muzan's presence. The confines of the barrier felt less stifling when she was with him, and she found herself rarely venturing beyond it. It was as though she had become Muzan's personal confidante, a willing listener to his innermost thoughts. Their connection had blossomed into something unique, akin to a personal therapist.

In those quiet moments together, they exchanged unspoken understandings, weaving a delicate tapestry of trust and reliance. Muzan's words were a balm to her soul, and Hime, in turn, offered him comfort in her silent companionship.

Muzan opened up to her, revealing his deepest desires and secrets. He seemed to talk more freely now but became less receptive to others. With each thoughtful gift he bestowed upon her, Hime's heart fluttered like a myriad of delicate petals.

In Muzan's presence, Hime found a sense of calm and contentment she hadn't known before. Over the weeks, he took her on journeys to enchanting and mysterious places, purely to witness the radiant smile on her face.

However, despite their growing intimacy, Muzan never made any romantic advances. He displayed incredible patience when it came to Hime, making it abundantly clear to other demons that she was off-limits, a territory untouchable.

"Tell me, what are your thoughts on love? Have you ever experienced it?" Muzan inquired during one of their deep conversations. Whenever personal topics arose, he often averted his gaze, as if shy to meet her eyes.

Their talks delved into realms of emotions and vulnerabilities, unearthing hidden facets of each other's souls. Muzan, the powerful and enigmatic demon, laid bare his heart to Hime.

"Love is a lot like hate, twisted," she mused, her fingers idly toying with the corner of her mouth. "And no, I've never been in love," she added, seemingly at ease with the confession.

Muzan stole a quick glance at her, trying to gauge her reaction. He wondered if any feelings of love she had once possessed vanished when she turned into a demon.

"Why, have you?" she asked, her voice filled with sudden curiosity, her eyebrows raised in concentration.

"I might. Yes," Muzan admitted, taking slow steps around the frame of the bed, drawing nearer to her.

"Isn't loving someone a weakness for someone like you?" Hime inquired, her gaze furrowing with contemplation. In her experience, she had never encountered love, and it appeared to be an elusive concept in her eyes.

Muzan couldn't help but smile, finding her curiosity endearing. It was evident that she had never experienced anything like this before, and her innocence intrigued him.

Drawing nearer, Muzan leaned in while Hime remained seated, lifting her chin gently. Their faces were now mere inches apart, and Hime found herself captivated by his perfectly proportionate features, his crimson eyes radiating in the dimness.

"Does someone like me not deserve love?" he whispered, and her gaze involuntarily flickered towards his lips before returning to his eyes. She shook her head, silently disagreeing with such a notion.

The Touch of Hearts (MuzanxOcxGiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now