Chapter 12: At The Seams

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I rub my eyes, letting out a small yawn. "What is it, Ty?" I ask as I follow him out my house after he'd forced me to quickly change. "It's seven AM and I wanted to sleep in today," I complain, still feeling down after the beach party.

After I spoke with Chase, I left. I got phone calls from Stells and Ty. I managed to reassure them that I'm fine. Seems Ty didn't buy it or he wouldn't be here right now.

I haven't slept a wink and I'm really just exhausted after everything that's been playing through my mind the entire night.

Ty motions me to follow him to his car. I let out a sigh and do what he says, knowing firsthand that with Ty, you can't win.

I get in his car and notice Caleb passed out across the backseats. A small smile breaks out onto my lips at the sight. I shake the thought and turn back to Ty, "Shouldn't you been hung over right about now?" I ask him, referring to how much he'd been drinking last night.

Ty nods as he starts the car and reverses out of my driveway. "Kind of am, got a pounding headache and everything," he tells me.

Instantly, I feel guilty. I drop the attitude immediately. "Sorry," I apologize, "I didn't realize."

Ty turns his eyes off the road to look at me, just for a brief moment. "You don't ever have to apologize to me, Gabs." He winks as he slowly steers his attention back to the roads ahead.

I grin at his flirtatious attitude and shake my head at him playfully as he makes casual conversation. "Cal says he saw you talking to Jacob," Ty states, subtly fishing for more information on the subject.

"Prodding are we?" I tease him before nodding to confirm it. "Yeah, I spoke to him. To be short about it, I think we'll be seeing him again real soon."

Ty's smile broadens to the point where he's beaming. "Really? That is amazing." Ty reaches over and gives me a pat on the shoulder. "Well done, Gabs! We've been trying to get through to him for months. He didn't want to talk to any of us, not even Stells or Cal."

I shrug, "I guess it's just because we can relate to each other more," I reply. Jacob and I were the closest to Matt.

Ty nods, agreeing. "True."


"What is this, Ty?" I ask, confused. He and Caleb had taken me all the way down to the main coastal beach where the bonfire party was and where Matt died.

In front of me, on the beach front, is the old rundown surf shack I used to work at along with Chase.

Caleb, his hands raised in front of his face as if on guard, cautiously backs away slowly. "Please don't hit me. This was Ty's idea - another one of his plans to help you get your life back on track." Caleb pins all the blame on his friend, completely throwing Ty under the bus. I don't expect any less from Cal.

When Chase and I stopped talking two years ago, we both quit our jobs at the surf shack. The manager of the surf shack, Zeke Ferguson, closed down the entire surf shack as a result. He couldn't find any replacements. The surf shack has been closed down ever since. However, in the last year, I have noticed renovations being done on the surf shack. I didn't realize that Zeke was going to reopen this month.

Ty grabs hold of my hand as he gently spins me around to face him. "Hear me out--"

"Gabriela!" Zeke comes walking out of his surf shack, a lazy grin on his face. He's always been so laid back. He cuts Tyler off by throwing a loose arm around my shoulders. He draws me to his side in greeting. "When Tyler told me that you're interested in working here again I was so stoked..." He trails off wearily when Ty's eyes widen -- Ty motioning for him to stop talking.

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