Chapter 25: Riding the Wave

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Chapter 25: Riding the Wave

"No way. I don't believe you," Caleb insists the next day at the surf shack, refusing to accept it. 

"Well, believe it, because I crushed it out there," I grin, opening up to Leb and Zeke in excitement. I've been waiting all day to tell them. My mother wasn't all that stoked for me hence why I just had to tell the two people who would appreciate the update most.

"You'll have to prove it," Caleb winks teasingly. "I won't believe it until I see it," he remarks stubbornly, being difficult for the hell of it. If he wasn't difficult, he wouldn't be Caleb.

"Is Shaw challenging me?" I ask with a conniving grin as I stare up at him patiently. I then shrug. "Sounds good to me. We can catch up on a surf sesh after work."

"Then I'll see if you're still fit in action. You'd better not steal my waves," Caleb jokes, expressing his astoundment with my latest achievement.

I laugh. "Can't make any promises, Leb."

"You never cease to amaze me," Zeke grins down at me, patting the top of my head as if I'm nothing but a mere toddler, "and you conquered it all on your own too. I'm seriously impressed, Gabs," Zeke congratulates me in pride.

"Thank you," I smile up at him. "You were right. I'm not done with the ocean," I remind of the talk we had a while back. "You've always believed in me, even when I didn't have enough strength to believe in myself."

"I'll put my bets on you any day," Zeke says playfully but meaning it.

When we reach a lull in the conversation, I glance around the surf shack to see that there are more surfboards occupying the space than usual. No wonder I feel cramped. I raise a brow, curious, as I motion to all the extra boards. "What's up with all this?"

Zeke chuckles and glances Caleb's way as if seeking permission to tell me. Caleb nods as if to assure him. Zeke turns back to me. "Caleb's giving away all his valuables to us as gifts so that we each have something to remember him by."

Of course, all his valuables will only consist of his countless collections of surfboards. Surfing is his entire world. Nothing else is valuable to him, except for his family (obviously) and his friendship with all of us.

I push through sadness and nod in understanding, taken aback that Caleb's doing this so soon. I thought I had more time to kill. I thought he had more time to spare.

Caleb sees me looking at the longboards and explains himself, "For Stells, Duke and Jacob. They're the only longboarders of us." He sees through me and offers me a side hug as if to extend his comfort my way. "Please don't worry about me. I'm just preparing, that's all."

I wipe away a stray tear and nod up at him, trying to stay strong for his sake. I can't have him see me break down yet again. It's unfair to him. If anything, he should be the one breaking down. He's coping with his fate better than any of us ever could.

"I gave Jacob's board already, and Ty's," Caleb tells me, changing the subject before I get any more upset. I'd rather not digest any of this as of now and he knows it.

"And you gave me mine," Zeke holds up his shortboard with a proud grin. "She's a beauty," he breathes out in awe as he takes in his gift again. He turns to Caleb with a wistful sigh. "I remember you used this board on the day you and I went surfing in the rain on New Years, a year back." Zeke frowns. "It was so long ago but it feels like just the other day. It's a memory I'll never forget."

Caleb grins in glee, "Exactly why I'm giving that specific board to you. It's so that you'll never forget that day..." he pauses, sucking in a deep breath before cracking a small smile, "or me," he concludes, showing some fear for the first time since I've found out about his terminal cancer.

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