Chapter 16: To Old Beginnings

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"What you working on?" Stells asks Chase, seemingly interested in what he's doing, especially since he's been busy with his current work related project all day. He hasn't even taken a break since, been too concerned about his work to care to be hungry.

Chase cusses beneath his breath in aggravation at being interrupted from his work. He reluctantly tears his eyes off the board and forces himself up to meet her gaze from his seated position on the wooden floors of the surf shack, "Caleb's board. I've been working on it all week." He explains, exasperated, "He really knows how to stuff them up."

Stells giggles and nods, agreeing, "Totally. That's Cal for you - downright irresponsible."

"I thought you said you fixed it?" I but in, quirking an eyebrow at Chase, confused.

"I did," Chase states, "I've been upgrading it since, fixing it so that Caleb won't break it as easily next time."

Once Chase gets really invested into something, he doesn't stop until he gets the job done.

"Speak of the devil..." Stells murmurs, motioning to behind us.

I turn around to see Caleb himself, distraught.

What now?

My eyes widen at the board - pieces of board - under his arms and in his hands. "What the hell did you Cal?" I ask, motioning to his replacement board that has been snapped in half. I really should not be shocked. This is Cal we're talking about. He's capable of anything.

"Ty, the stupid jackass, jumped on it in the rock pools." Caleb frowns as he chucks the two pieces across the counter at me. 

Why they were surfing in the rock pools...I will never know.

I slide the two pieces over to Chase who has stood up from the floor since then. Chase starts, "I'm almost done with your other board, so not to worry too much about this one -"

"I don't care about that board anymore." Caleb chips in, cutting Chase off and ultimately bursting Chase's bubble, "I just want this current one fixed." Caleb insists, motioning to the board Ty had just snapped in half.

Chase's face falls at this as if he cannot believe what he's hearing. He'd been working on that board all week and now Caleb just decides that he doesn't care about that board anymore.

I shake my head at Caleb, coming to Chase's defense all too quickly, "No way Leb. Chase is not going to fix this one for free too. Hell, it's not even fixable. It's literally in half." I say halfheartedly. I can't help but compare Caleb's board to Matt's one. Matt's one had also snapped in half.

"Chase can fix anything." Caleb argues, his faith in Chase's abilities unmovable. He's missing the entire point. Chase worked so hard on that board and now he doesn't even want it back.

I roll my eyes at Caleb's audacity, "Maybe so, but that doesn't me he wants to fix yet another of your boards after he spent the entire week fixing and upgrading your last one...for free, might I add."

"Yeah but I'm over that board." Caleb persist, "I'm all about this one that Ty just ruined, so can you fix it yeah?" Caleb asks - more like demands - Chase to do his bidding.

Chase had been so excited to finish off the last of upgrades. He was psyched to show Caleb his new board - the board Caleb doesn't even want anymore.

Chase sighs, grumbling beneath his breath, "Forgot how annoying you are."

Caleb, having heard Chase's complaint, merely grins as if proud, "Glad to refresh your memory buddy."

Stella hits Cal upside the head, "Knock it off Leb."

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