Chapter 14: Can't Knock Me Down

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"Ty don't." I plead as I catch him by his arm, pulling him back to me before he can do anything stupid.

Ty turns back to me, his dark brown eyes glinting furiously under the bright morning sun, "He let you fall and break your wrist Gabriela, and all because he wouldn't help you. As if you don't have enough on your plate to deal with."

"Exactly." I say quietly, "Please don't add to my stress. Let it go. Drop it, just this once. For me yeah?"

I hold Ty's gaze, my hand still gripping onto his elbow, as he reluctantly gives in and nods, "Fine." Ty agrees, "But next time Chase slips up, the asshole will pay."

"Don't call him that Ty." I sigh softly, defending Chase for some reason beyond me, "He used to be your friend too." I remind Tyler before trying to lighten the atmosphere, "Besides, I have this cool cast now filled with colorful messages from all my amazing friends whom I absolutely adore. Now that's something to wake up to in the morning." I joke, glancing down at my previously plain white cast. My cast has now been signed by all my friends, including my mother (I didn't tell her the entire truth to how I broke my wrist, leaving out the Chase part entirely).

"Not making me feel any better Gabs." Ty says, despite the contradicting smile slowly making it's way over his lips. I am definitely lifting his spirits slightly.

"I got to get to work Ty." I smile up at him, using my hold on him to support me as I stand on my tippy toes and place a single kiss against his cheek. I release him completely before waving at him, scampering off to the surf shack not too far off in the distance. Ty and I had just gone for a stroll together this morning. Fortunately, we didn't walk that far.

"See now that made me a feel a whole lot better!" Ty calls after me. I stop and turn to face him to see his hand on his cheek, covering the spot where I'd kissed him. "Feel free to do it more often! If you're feeling courageous enough, you can try my lips next time!" He has the nerve to say.

I hold back a smile and shake my head as I keep on walking.


"Morning Chase." I greet with a peppy smile, ready for the day. I'm not going to let his broody mood get to me today. I will not be knocked down.

Chase, having noticed my good mood, raises a skeptical eyebrow as he replies back to me, "Morning?" He asks more than states, confused as to why I'm so happy today.

At least he greeted me back. It's progress, slow progress, but progress nonetheless. I've turned over to the optimistic side. I want a more positive outlook and approach on my life. I don't want to be the 'glass half empty' kind of girl anymore.

I nod at him, "A good one too at that." I add seeing as he's so unsure.

"What?" He asks, at a loss.

"Nothing." I brush it off, pleased that he's at least talking to me today.

I begin testing out the surfboards, placing the ones that need work aside for Zeke or Chase to take a look at. I work with the maintained surfboards only.

"How's the wrist?" Chase, for once, initiates the conversation rather casually.

I just about jump up in my spot, astonished and completely caught off guard that he'd just voluntarily spoke to me.

For a second, I stay rooted in my position - frozen. When it hits me at how rude I'm being, I quickly spin on my heel to face him, only to find him much closer to me than expected. I hold my breath at the close proximity between us. As if noticing this too, Chase quickly takes a step back from me. I blow out a small breath of relief as a result.

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