Chapter 8: Picking Yourself Back Up

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"Feels good, doesn't it?" Tyler smirks from across me, on a couch of his own, obviously referring to the fact that I quit - that I can enjoy some liberation for once in my life. I'm no longer enslaved to myself or imprisoned to others. I've succumb to an open mind set.

After my little episode, Tyler and Caleb led me to the flat they share. Not really much of a surprise there. Everyone who knows them figured that they'd even live with each other when they're both married with kids. They're both currently renting it out. It's small, suited specifically for three people, but satisfactory none the less. At least they're out there doing something, making something out of themselves, while all I'm doing is making excuses.

Things are kind of awkward between all of as of now, just as to be expected. We've drifted. It was all my fault really. After Matt died, I pushed everyone I cared about out of my life in fear of losing them too. But in doing so, I lost them all anyway, just not in the way I'd expected.

"It does." I admit it aloud. "I've been wanting to quit for a long time, I just never had the courage to do it."

It feels really good to be able to talk to people, really talk to them. I've missed this. I've missed them. Why did I ever let any of my friends go? I see now that I need them.

"You're welcome." Tyler flashes me his kilowatt grin that he used when trying to pick up a girl. For some reason beyond me, it usually worked.

Caleb, sitting beside me on the two-seater couch, lets out a loud yawn before stretching. "I'm tired." He whines, pouting like a seven year old. He'd always pout when he found something to complain about and believe me, Caleb is the biggest whiner you'll ever come across. He even complains about five star restaurants. He always wants absolute perfection. I feel sorry for his future girlfriend. She's going to have to live up to his ridiculously high standards.

To be fair on Caleb, I had just been working an evening shift, so it is actual fact quite late.

"You're always tired." Ty - Tyler points out much to my amusement. Just another true fact about Caleb, he's damn lazy.

"Yeah...and you're always pointing it out." Caleb finishes his stretching coming to rest his right arm behind me over the top of the couch.

Tyler brushes his comment aside as he lies down on his three-seater couch, resting his arms behind his head as he closes his eyes, "If that's your way of pointing out my flaws, you got to try harder bro. I'm practically perfection at its best."

"Also arrogant." I murmur on impulse, not meaning to be heard.

I'm heard alright.

Tyler's eyes immediately snap back open as he sits up straight, "Did you, Gabriela Hill, just insult me?"

"Ooooh snap!" Caleb intervenes as he high fives me for my comment. He then turns to Tyler with a wide grin, "She's back, b*tch!"

I wince at Tyler's expression, "Sorry."

Caleb's face falls, "And...she's gone again."

I used to insult Tyler on a daily basis, but things are different now. I can't just jump right back into acting how I use to with him.

"Sorry." I say again, this time directing it to Caleb.

Caleb scoffs. "How dare you apologize to us? You sick sicko." He ends lamely before putting his feet up on the couch.

"Feet down." Tyler remarks quickly. Caleb ignores him. "Off." Tyler says again in an intimidating voice.

Caleb pouts, crossing his arms over his chest, "But-"

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