Chapter 4: A Little Too Late

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I watch myself in the mirror carefully, my reflection staring back at me aimlessly. My eyes are empty. I cannot help but wonder if anyone else sees how broken I am on the inside. It's not like I'm discreet about it. Most notice and I really don't care. I stopped caring a while ago.

"Lighten up, would ya?" Brent comments from his outstretched position on my bed. He really takes the whole 'make yourself at home' saying to a new level but I don't mind.

"Sorry," I mumble. I need to stop being such a downer.

Brent meets my gaze and finally takes in my appearance. He suddenly sits up, his eyes never leaving mine. "Damn, Gabriela..." he whistles suggestively, openly admiring me, "you are looking fine. If you weren't my best friend..." he trails off and shakes his head to get his message across.

I roll my eyes at his harmless talk and smile slightly. I swear, males just can't help themselves when it comes to flirting. "Thanks," I reply quietly.

I'm not at all looking forward to this night. If anything, I want it to be over already, but I promised Brent months ago that I'd be his date seeing as he has no one else. He doesn't get a chance to socialize because he's always tending to me and my broody attitude. I wish I could change and be happier for him.

Tonight, I'm going to put the effort in. I'm going to try and have fun because I know how much Brent has been looking forward to this. Besides, no one wants a miserable date. I refuse to ruin this night for him. I don't want to be the one to hold him back from anything, ever. He deserves the world and more. 

"I'm are so hot, Gabriela Hill, we should just date," Brent says and crosses his arms behind his head, getting comfortable on my bed again. He winks flirtatiously at me when I keep staring at him in surprise. "I've never seen you look like this before," he adds.

He's been acting a little off tonight. He flirts with me sometimes but not like this. Earlier, he also seemed anxious about something. His mind has constantly preoccupied all day and he's just...he's not himself.

I can't seem to shake off the feeling that there's something bothering him but then, I know that he'd tell me if he wanted to.

I narrow my eyes at him, curious. "Don't you still have the hots for Stels?" I ask, feigning ignorance. Brent has always been quite private about who he's with. He doesn't really tell me much about his dating affairs but I've suspected that he has thing for Stella.

He shrugs, averting his green eyes from mine as he stands up. "I guess. I mean, we don't really talk anymore but I'll always like her. She's different from other girls but she's still not you," he explains and then smirks at me.

I'm able to see through him. He's still on edge about something but he's making several attempts to try and make up for it.

"Are you okay?" I finally decide to ask him.

My question catches him off guard. It takes him a moment or two to recover. "Yeah," he replies and smiles at me. "Why?"

"Are you sure, Brent?" I bravely ask again. "Because if something is wrong, you can tell me. I'll listen. I may not be able to help but I'll always listen," I tell him, wanting him to know that. He's done so much for me. I only want to return all of the favors.

"I'm fine, Gabba," he reassures me a second time.

I nod, choosing to believe him, "Okay." I take a seat beside him on my bed and smile down at him, "You're right, by the way." I see his confusion and clarify, "About Stella. She is different."

One particular conversation with Stella comes to mind:

"One of these days, I'm going to surf over the horizon and into the sunset," Matt tells for the hundredth time.

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