Chapter 3: Baby Steps

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"The sunrise is the best, don't you agree, Gabs?" Matt asks me.

Watching the sunrise was our thing. Matt and I were always very close. Other kids found it peculiar that we didn't really fight much because, after all, that's what siblings are supposed to do, but not Matt and I. No, we were best friends.

"The very best," I smile at him, agreeing with him.

I was his big sister. I was supposed to protect him.

"Hey, Gabs?" Matt asks hesitantly. He sits down beside me in the golden sand, watching the sun rise over the blue ocean.

"Mhmm?" I reply with my eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the glittering sun.

"I love you," he tells me, authentic to who he is.

I open my eyes and turn to face him. I grin and offer him my hand. He sees my gesture and takes my hand into his. We perform our famous sibling handshake and then laugh simultaneously at each other. 

"I love you too, Matt," I reply, giving his hand another squeeze before releasing him. I draw him in and give him a playful noogie which results in me landing up in the cold, morning sea.

The familiar voices begin to grow louder as the people speaking begin to get closer. I rip myself away from my callous memories and glance down at my wristwatch. It's a little over five in the morning, which can only mean one thing, they're coming and I'm too late.

I was supposed to leave at four but I got carried away and lost track of time.

I have no doubt in my mind that they've all already seen my car standing in the parking lot. They must know I'm here. It's too late to simply leave. This is my nightmare.

I stand up frantically, quickly surveying the area to see if there's somewhere where I can hide. There's no place to lay low except within the ocean itself. 

I mean...I could bury myself alive...

I sigh and shake off the thought. 

I need to mentally prepare for what's around the corner. I'm not ready to speak to them or see any of them, not after all that's happened. This would be easier if Brent were here but I know for a fact that he's gotta be at home dealing with a hangover.

I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. My heart slams against my ribcage when the voices and the footsteps stop just a few feet ahead of me. 

Maybe they're not here, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me again. One day, I was so hell-bent that Matt was standing right next to me. I was talking to him. It wasn't a memory. It was real, it felt so real. But then Brent came and asked who I was talking to, and just like that, Matt vanished and the spell broke.

I force my eyes open. My heart drops when I turn to see them, a group of people I once held dear to me. They're all staring at me in utter disbelief -- most likely because I'm standing here on the shore where it all happened. From what they know, I don't step foot near the ocean anymore. Only Brent knows that I still come here every once in a while to hold onto precious memories, to feel Matt's presence again.

Tyler's, unsurprisingly, is the first to break the silence, "Gabriela?" 

All I can do is nod.

Tyler frowns, puzzled. His dark eyes flash in confusion. "I-I..." he falters, at a loss for words. 

I watch him intently, waiting for him to say something. 

He clears his throat with an awkward cough before continuing, "I didn't know that you still come here."

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