Chapter 2: Flashback

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Two years ago...

"Gabs!" Matt calls over his shoulder to me. "The waves are great! You have to come in!" he beckons me over while the blistering rays of the sun beat down on him and the breakers. 

I watch as he and his best friend, Jacob, begin running into the sea.

"Coming, little bro, just grabbing my board!" I shout excitedly after him as I reach for my surfboard only to find it's not there anymore.

"Here," a voice says courteously, handing my board to me.

I smile at Chase. "Thanks,"  I say and take my board from his outstretched hands. He waxed it for me.

"Welcome," he grins, flashing me a thumbs-up. "Gotta surf in style," he winks playfully.

"You coming in?" I ask, gesturing to the expanse of blue lying before us.

It's the perfect day. The sun is out. The sky and sea are clear in their blue hues. The shore is golden and soft beneath our toes. The waves were absolutely stunning for a day's surf.

"How could you ask me such a question, Gabby?" Chase asks teasingly. "Don't you know me at all?" 

Of course, I know him very well. Chase never misses a day's surf, no matter the cost.

I laugh, shaking my head at him. He brushes my actions aside and grabs hold of my hand. He drags me after him into the salty sea. He never has patience. If he wants something, he will make sure to get it immediately.

"Gab Gabs!" a platinum blonde calls from further in the ocean. He's quick to swim up to me before playfully dunking me under the water. 

"Caleb!" I splutter and slap him against his chest. 

He merely laughs at my misfortune. He's always been the jokester in our group of friends.

It's not long before someone tackles Caleb down into the water. Of course, I know who it is. Tyler and Caleb are practically inseparable. 

"Don't be mean to Gabs, you know she can tear you to pieces. If anyone should know, it's us," Tyler lectures him and then breaks out into his infamous broad grin when his gaze lands on me. He shoves Caleb aside and pulls me into a friendly hug.

"Hey, Ty." I grin happily as I help Caleb back up to his feet. "You two lunatics having fun?"

Why do I bother asking? Of course, they're having fun. They're never not having fun.

"You bet they are." I turn to see the caramel-haired beauty, Stella, approaching us. "Hey, hey, Gabs!" She smiles at me before motioning to the sea, "Get out there, the waves are sick today."

"Chase and I are going now," I answer her. 

When I notice that all three of them are wearing matching facial expressions, I come to realize that Chase is no longer standing beside me. No...he's out in the distance with Matt and Jacob. He's already surfing. He'll sacrifice anything to live in the ocean. I swear it. No one loves the waves more than he and Matt do.

"Yeah...seems he left you hanging...again," Ty jokes. "But don't worry, you still got me," he clicks his tongue and winks suggestively at me. He's always been a flirt.

"Lay off, man," I hear a voice from behind me. I turn to meet emerald green eyes and black hair. Brent Seacrest.

"Brent, bro, you finally arrived!" Caleb calls to Brent excitedly. He's like an energetic puppy.

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