Chapter 18: Afresh

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"Okay, I'll admit, this isn't as awful as I'd been predicting." I confess to Stella from beside me as I watch Austin teaching self rescue to the children who had volunteered for the 'Junior Lifeguard Program'. I turn back to Stells, "Thanks for coming with. I appreciate it."

Stells merely smiles gently in turn. She knows I didn't want to face this 'date' alone.

Austin runs out of the sea in just his red lifeguard board shorts, "You sure you don't want to join?" He asks me with that dazzling grin of his face.

Truth is, I'd love too.

I glance out to sea before hesitantly before shaking my head, "I'll pass." I stick by what I originally said. I'd have to decline the offer.

Austin frowns as if trying to figure me out, his hazel eyes flashing confusion as he lets me be and goes back to his course. I'd helped him all morning with the kids when they stuck to the shore. Unfortunately, I can't allow myself to be of help when in the water.

The purpose of the 'Juniour Lifeguard Program' is instruction and practice in open water swimming. It teaches leadership, teamwork and of course, aquatic safety. It's hosted every year here in Half Moon Bay for a month. Today was merely introduction seeing as it's the first day. Fun activities such as swimming, paddle-boarding, body boarding, body surfing, skin diving, wind surfing, kayaking and of course, surfing are all included.

Chase is the surfing instructor for the kids. He's a small part of the program. Unfortunately, it means he has to work with Austin. For some reason, it puts me in an awkward position. I feel stuck between the two, hence, why I practically dragged Stells here. I need some girl back up. Granted, Chase has been acting low key today whilst Austin refuses to leave me alone. I'd be lying if I said that he isn't growing on me. He's really good with the kids and that's an attractive characteristic trait in anybody.

"Miss Gabby?" One of the students glance up at me with round, innocent eyes, "Why don't you help out there?" She motions to the ocean, "You were so good when helping us with CPR on the beach front."

"Thanks Sweetie," I smile down at her, "I just..." I trail off, at a loss for words.

Stella fills in for me, "She hasn't been permitted to help in the sea, doll. Sorry."

The girl nods in understanding before going back to her classes.

I glance over at Stells, ready to thank her. She sees it coming and lifts her hand as if to stop me, "Don't mention it." She smiles.

I nod at her - grateful - before going back to watching Austin playing with the kids in the sea.

"You like him, don't you?"

I turn to Stells to see her giving me a skeptical look as she motions over to Austin.

I shrug, "I don't know." I admit, "We'll see."

"He's cute." Stella teases, waggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"You two really need to stop talking about me behind my back," a familiar voice says as someone wedges themselves in between Stella and I, a weight crushing down around both our shoulders.

We glance up to see Tyler leaning on both of us, his arms around both of us as he grins down at us.

"I have a boyfriend." Stella reminds him like always as she throws his arm off her shoulders.

"Yeah, but Gabriela doesn't." Ty smirks down at me, winking suggestively as if to imply something. I move out of his reach as a result.

"Too bad she's into Austin." Stells teases Ty, Ty's smirk fading into a frown upon hearing her words. Stells sees this and swats him on the chest, "Lighten up. It was suppose to be taken as a joke."

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