Chapter 7: Falling Backwards

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"Gabriela, table!" Kyle calls over the mass of people as I round my way to the table he'd just pointed at.

It's difficult to hear Kyle over all the noise everyone is making. Bev's Diner always seems to be full nowadays - unlike when I'd first began working here. It's a small cosy restaurant where people feel comfortable, hence why Kyle, one cleaner, two chefs and I are the only employees needed. The diner grew popular through word of mouth. But on weekends especially, like today, this place is pumping.

"I'm on it." I mumble back to him, aware he probably never heard, but there's absolutely no ways that I will raise my voice in front of all these crowds of people. Kyle knows that fully well from past experiences.

I grab all the dishes off the table Kyle had directed me to and pack them on my arms, balancing my way back to the wash room to give to our cleaner, Lee. I don't fail to miss the stack of cutlery before her as she lets out a loud groan upon me bringing her more work.

I raise an eyebrow, "You need a hand?"

I've always been a fan of Lee. She's quiet and tends to stay out of people's way, including mine. We don't talk much, but we get along for the most part.

She shakes her head, lifting her face to see me as a tired smile graces her red lips, "Thanks for the offer Gabriela, but I'll manage. It's what I'm trained for." She teases before adding, "Besides, Kyle needs you out there. It's a busy evening."

I nod, although I still feel guilty as she'd been sick for the past week and had barely recovered since.

"There you are Gabriela!" Kyle heaves, exhausted from walking up and down.

Kyle's only as nice as work allows him to be. When it's a chaotic night, he tends to be overly bossy and unfriendly - frankly, he's downright rude. I know that it's only because he's stressed, but still, it irks me. He's not my boss. That's Bev's job, hence Bev's Diner. Then again, I'm not exactly Bev's biggest fan either. My boss hates me. He only keeps me 'round 'cause I bring in lots of money with the Frat boys.

"There's a couple waiting for you to take their order at table seven." Kyle informs me, out of breath. "Stop slacking off with Lee."

"I'm going. Jeez." I mutter beneath my breath, unimpressed by his rudeness. Lee stifles her laughter upon hearing my comment.

Kyle's already off to tend to his own tables as I make my way to table seven, except, I freeze midstep when my eyes land on the couple sitting at table seven, both of them making gooey eyes at each other.

Chase and a girl - presumably his date.

I watch the couple a little longer to see if this is recent or a long standing relationship. Judging by their giddy smiling and constant touching, I'd say that their budding romance has just newly blossomed.

They're still in the 'lovey dovey' stage where things haven't got too serious as of yet.

On second inspection, I notice just how beautiful the blonde seated across from him is. She is stunning - gorgeous even. It's so like Chase to go for the blondes, that had always been his ritual - his preference for as long as I can remember.

"Gabriela, go. They're waiting." Kyle snaps me out of my gaze as he gives me a little push in their direction, unaware of my lengthy history with the man flirting with that woman in front of me.

Oh for the love of...

I just can't catch a break.

I grab two menus and head over to their table rather reluctantly. It's been a little over three weeks since Chase told me to let go and I've been working hard on doing so. It is anything but easy, seeing as we live next to each other. Fortunately, he is only here for the summer. He said so himself.

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