Chapter 9: Surfers Only

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"You did what?" My mother repeats, shocked, still refusing to believe it.

"I quit," I tell her for what feels to be the hundredth time. She's just not having it. She won't accept it.

"What were you thinking, Gabriela? If you go back and apologize you might be able to get your job back," my mother insists, not understanding how that job took away my dignity.

Tyler catches my eye and offers me a reassuring smile before he intervenes. "With all due respect, Ms. Hill, your daughter has been subjected to sexual harassment on more than one occasion at Bev's Dinner. It's degrading and humiliating from her standpoint. She doesn't need that, not in her lifetime."

He'd really make a good lawyer after all - not that I had doubts.

My mother's eyes widen as she turns to me after hearing this new information. "Is this true, Gabriela?" I wince, nodding. She falls silent. "You should have told me," she coos before patting my hand with her own. "I would have understood."

"Don't worry Miss Hill, we'll take good care of baby Gabb Gabbs." Caleb winks at my mom as they both laugh at my expense.

My mom exchanges a glance from Caleb to Ty to me, "I can't explain how happy I am that you're all friends again. You two are good for Gabriela. She needs you two."

"Don't we know it?" Ty teases, playfully nudging me before he stands up, "Anyways Miss Hill, it was amazing to see you again after all these years, but if we're to make it on time, then we should go now."

My mother offers Ty a tender smile before hugging him and Caleb goodbye, "Don't you two go and be strangers now, you hear?" She hollers at Ty as she holds Caleb aside.

Caleb returns the smile, "Don't plan on it Miss H, we'll be raiding your fridge in no time - just like the old days." He teases before Ty elbows him in the side for his inappropriate and very forward insinuation. However, my mom doesn't seem to mind, well aware of how Caleb naturally is.

As we exit my house, I stop dead in my tracks to face Tyler, perplexed. "Where are we going in any case?" I ask.

"You'll see in due time." Ty winks at me before Caleb takes me by the hand and tugs me after him and Ty as if I don't have a choice in this. Back in the day, I'd stomp my feet and protest - maybe throw a tantrum seeing as I hate surprises - but today I start afresh, today I want a surprise. So instead, I roll my eyes playfully, complying with the two as I allow Caleb to drag me along.

It's a couple of minutes later when we arrive at wherever it is we're supposed to be walking to. It's obvious we're at the beach, that much I can tell. Ty keeps his hands over my eyes as he leads me until we come to a halt. "Okay, open your eyes now," Ty whispers into my ear affectionately, forgetting to move his hands off my eyes.

I swat his hands away from my eyes. "Next time, just move your hands off my eyes m'kay?" I tease, seeing as he'd forgotten.

"Right," he agrees sheepishly, embarrassed. He steps aside, only to reveal scribbles in the sea sand alongside the ocean.

I frown, furrowing my eyebrows up in confusion. "Am I missing something here?" I ask softly, not trying to offend their efforts to make my day. Them just being here with me is enough to keep me happy. I love these guys. I always have.

Caleb chuckles from some distance away. He'd gone off on his own, choosing to fall behind - yet the breeze still carries his laughter in the air to us like wind chimes.

He calls over his shoulder to us, "Ty, you moron! She can't see from there. Bring her here!"

Caleb calling Ty the moron. Well, there's a first.

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