Promise Me

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A/N: This takes place in the Sonic Frontiers game after they flew off the island.

Right after arriving in Angel Island, Sonic smiled at Knuckles, though Knuckles looked down. That's when Sonic noticed it. Knuckles asked a little sadly, "Hey Tails? Amy?" Amy and Tails let out a 'Hmm?' before Knuckles asked, "Can I talk to Sonic alone?" Tails and Amy looked at each other before Sonic hopped off the plane and said, "It's okay you two. You both go on, if Knuckles wants to talk to me, then I don't mind." Tails and Amy nodded before Tails said, "Okay Sonic, see you later." Then Tails flew off with Amy.

Once they were gone, Knuckles sighs sadly. Sonic asked as he turns to Knuckles, "What's wrong Knux?" The red echidna went to the emerald shrine, indicating him to follow him. Sure enough, Sonic followed. He thought as he sighed, "What's left for me to do? Travel alone or go back to Mobotropolis. Hopefully Mom needs me once again. Maybe I can travel with Manic."

Once they arrive, Knuckles took a seat on the stairs on the top of the emerald shrine as Sonic sat down closely next to him. It was a pretty silent moment between the two, until Sonic asked, "What do you wanna talk about and what's the matter?" Knuckles answered him, "Well Sonic, When I said, 'We're even after this. I... What I really meant was this, I cannot let anything like that happen to you again." Sonic was surprised at this as he blushed. Knuckles then said, "Yet I keep failing over and over. I promised Manic I look after you even if I am guarding the emerald, just before you three separated." He looked down and said, "If Manic found out about the 'Infinite' incident, all those times you almost got killed, and this, he probably be furious."

Sonic felt sad for him, as Knuckles said, "Oh Sonic... I am so sorry, I keep failing you so much." Sonic replied as he placed a hand on his shoulder, "No you didn't! Sure all those things happen to me but hey, things work out in the end. You were there for me Knucklehead. Even so, I know you can always come through for me." Knuckles looked at him with a blush as he said, "I know, but if anything happen to you again, I would never forgive myself. I mean I..." He then blurred out, "I LOVE YOU!" Sonic gasped lightly with a blush as Knuckles blushed and gazed into his emerald green eyes. Without hesitation, Knuckles kissed him on the lips as Sonic was a lot surprised. Once the kiss broke, Sonic blushed and said, "Oh Knux, I-I don't know what to say." Knuckles looked away and asked, "So what are you gonna do now?" Sonic replied as he took his hand, "Well, I might as well go back to Mobotroplis. Even I go wherever or whenever, there's no escape from who I am. No matter what. Knux? I want to thank you for keeping my secret. Though there's going to be a time when everyone finds out. I-I'm afraid." Knuckles wrapped an arm around him and said as Sonic laid on his chest, "Listen, if that happens, we'll cross that bridge together when we come to it. But even so, I still need to keep my promise and protect you as much as I can guard the emerald." Sonic smiled as he sat up. Sonic then said, "Then please, promise me this, no matter what happens, I'll always be with you." Knuckles blushed and nodded as he said, "I promise." Sonic stood up and said, "Well, if the kingdom is in trouble due to Eggman's chaos rein, I know where to find you." Before Sonic could leave, Knuckles told Sonic to wait. When Sonic turned around and to his surprise and in Knuckles hand is Sonics medallion. Sonic gasped and said, "My medallion. You kept it?" Knuckles placed it around his neck and said, "I kept it just in case. It's a miracle I can guard it easier than the master emerald. You may need it for your trip home." Sonic smiled and said, "Thank you Knux." Thats when Sonic had a thought before he said, "You know Knux, I may need an escort home. Would you like to...?" Knuckles replied to him, "Only if I could be your boyfriend." Sonic took his arm with his arm and said simply, "It's a deal Knux. Ready to escort me home?" Knuckles replied in a playful way, "Whatever you say 'your highness'." The two laughed as they exited the island. Knuckles sighed in relief knowing that he made a promise to Sonic, no matter what, they'll always have each other to be with.

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