Wedding Labor (My Pretty Tough Girl)

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At the day of Knukaya and Sonics wedding day. Everyone (but Amy and Shadow).

Sonic 'in his tuxedo' looks around to make sure Amy never shows up. Tails asked, "Still making sure Amy doesn't show up?"

Sonic answered him a little coldly, "Obviously. I don't forgive her for what happened. She tried to kill my fiancé and my unborn child."

Tails then said in worry, "I understand Sonic. But don't you think your being a little too hateful towards her?"

Sonic answered him again, "If it was your unborn child that she tried to kill, would you get mad at her?"

Tails looks down and said, "Point taken."

Sonic then said, "But let's not worry about that now. I gotta lucky girl to wed."

Knukaya's voice shouted, "DON'T 'LUCKY' ME MORON!"

Sonic replied as he walked in, "I LOVE YOU TOO KNUKAYA!"

Knukaya was in her bridal chamber as she looked at herself. Then she looked at her stomach where she is carrying Sonics child.

Knuck say told herself, "He maybe a moron but he's my moron husband to be. So who the hell am I to judge? He does care."

That's when a knock was heard on the door and Sonia's voice said, "Hey, it's almost time."

Knukaya whispered, "Oh shit she's right." She made sure to be careful and walked out.

The wedding was a little silent at first but that's when Knuckaya walked in as the organ plays.

Sonia whispered, "I'm happy for you little brother. I just wish I tell you my three way relationship without thinking of your enraged face."

The priest started speaking, "Friends and family. We are gathered here today to join these soon to be parents in holy matrimony. Knukaya do you take Sonic as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Knukaya replied, "Yeah though he is stupid and cute at the same time."

The priest felt awkward but continued, "And Sonic, do you take Knukaya as your lawfully wedded wife?" Sonic replied, "I do."

The priest concluded as she smiled, "Then by the power vested in me. I here by pronounce you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Without hesitation the two kissed. Knukaya would jump in his arms but she's 9 months pregnant with their son.

Just after their vows, the wedding party went to the lobby where the wedding cake ceremony took place.

Sonic asked, "Care to do the honors my sweet wife?" Knukaya replied, "Like you don't want to."

Everybody clapped as Manic and Tails in their eyes. Though before they could even cut one slice, Knukaya groaned loudly and her water started to break.

Knukaya gasped and said as she gripped on Sonics shoulder, "So-Sonic? I think it's time."

Sonic 'alarmed' said, "Oh crap. Hey, one of you call an ambulance. My son is on the way."

Tails volunteered and dialed an ambulance before he whispered to Boomer, "I don't think I can unsee that."

Boomer whispered, "Me neither. Who woulda thought of a wedding ceremony when your kid is on the way?"

<a short while later>

Just after an ambulance arrived. Knukaya was on the gurney to the ambulance as Sonic held her hand and said, "It's okay honey. I'm right here."


Knukaya then handed the bouquet and said, "J-Just throw this at so-someone." Sonic took it and said, "For you sweetie." He threw the bouquet as Sonia caught it.

Once in the ambulance, Sonic shouted, "ALRIGHT SIS! HOPE TO SEE THE LUCKY MAN WITH YOU!" Manic 'knowing this will not sit well' he told Sonic, "You know Sonia's in a three way relationship with Shadow and Amy right?"

Sonic and Knukaya asked in shock, "SHE IS WHAT?!"

The ambulance then drives off with the newlyweds in it.

Sonia glared at her brother and said coldly, "Nice going big brother. Now he knows."

Sonia then gets some cake and goes home. Shawn asked, "Why did you tell him?" Manic answered him, "Cause she couldn't even bring herself to tell him."

Shawn shrugged and said, "Point taken."

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