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A/N: Thought of this for fun. Plus I wanted to give it a try.

Knuckles was feeling very upset. He was on Angel island though there's something else.

He was cuffed to Sonic 'who was no different but extremely bored'.

Why? Because the two were handcuffed together. Earlier in the day Sonic and Knuckles made a real dumb bet with the Chaotix.

And they lost and as a loser penalty, they had to be handcuffed together for only 24 hours.

They had to stay on Angel island until 24 hours is up.

But the only thing is, Knuckles had to hear Sonic complain about getting cuffed to him and do nothing for 24 hours.

But it was only for 10 hours until Knuckles told him in his usual tone, "Oh will you shut the hell up already?"

Sonic complained, "Hey, it's boring and why do I haft to be handcuffed to you?!"

Knuckles replied, "Oh I don't know... Maybe it's because, YOU KEEP TAKING THESE CHILDISH BETS WITHOUT THINKING!"

Sonic asked, "How was I to know Espio was going to use his invisibility? That was cheating!"

Knuckles replied to him angrily, "Oh, ya think? First I get dragged into doing this dumb bet and now I'm fucking stuck with you for 24 hours. I'm only lucky the bat or Eggman or anyone else isn't here to see us like this."

Sonic replied, "Yeah Amy woulda killed you. But I'm glad I'm not cuffed to her."

Knuckles said nothing with a 'Are you serious?' expression on his face.

He asked, "Yer kidding right? You are glad I'm cuffed to you?"

Sonic replied to him with a stern tone, "Well think about it. She wouldn't shut up but you? I always find you attractive so quiet and tough."

Sonic blushed a deep red as a cherry before covering his muzzle as Knuckles 'heard what he just say' looked at him in surprise.

Sonic 'embarrassed' looked away from him and said in shock, "FORGET WHAT I SAID!! I-I-I DIDN'T MEAN...!"

He was cut off when Knuckles pulled his cuffed hand towards him 'causing Sonic to fall to him and kiss him'.

It was only about 6 minutes until Knuckles broke the kiss.

Sonic blushed a bright red as the red echidna smirked and said, "I knew you had a crush on me blue."

Sonic screeched and asked, "How did you know?"

Knuckles answered, "Yer sister told me before the bet."

Sonic was turning more red as he growled and shouted, "SONIA!!"

<where Sonia is at>

Hearing her younger brothers voice. Tangle 'knowing what that means' said, "Oh boy. Yer so dead when he gets ya your grace."

Sonia replied, "Well? I haft to do something. Besides he'll get over it. Besides Knuckles find Sonic attractive more than he did with me."

Tangle let out a chuckle and said, "So yer ex-boyfriend is now going to date your younger brother. Classy."

Sonia replied with a chuckle, "Don't I know it?"

<with Sonic and Knuckles>

Sonic growled and replied, "She is so dead when I see her! She knew I liked you!!"

Knuckles asked, "Will you calm the hell down?"

The red echidna then said, "Besides I like you as well Sonic. You're more cuter than your sister."

Sonic looked at him and asked, "Really?"

Knuckles nodded before Sonic sighed deeply and said, "Well I'm relieved but... Too bad I can't get you that date. I was told if I win I would have a date with you at that place with the grapes you always liked. Still... I think Espio was cheating."

Knuckles thought it was sweet of Sonic to do that thought he agreed Epsio cheating by turning himself invisible during a fighting match (in psychical combat) was indeed cheating.

That was when Knuckles had an idea and said, "Well? There is one Idea I have."

Sonic smirked 'hearing what he is going to do'.

<a short while later>

Espio and Vector found themselves cuffed together. They were shocked at this as they see Sonic and Knuckles smirking at them with their arms crossed.

Espio said in shock, "Hey!! You two were suppose to be cuffed. You only have 12 hours left."

Knuckles replied, "Well now you both will be spending the remainder of the even handcuffed. Besides Espio. You cheated."

Sonic holds Knuckles hand and said, "So now. We are going on a date. See you when your penalty is done suckers!"

The two walked out as they wrapped an arm around each other and laughed. Leaving the two detectives handcuffed.

Vector said to Espio, "I told you turning invisible would count as cheating."

Espio protested, "It was your idea. You didn't count on Sonic and Knuckles doing this ya know."

He then said to Vector, "Though it took them long enough to realize that."

Vector said flatly as they sat in bed, "Great. Now we are going to be sleeping in the same bed thanks to them."

Espio replied to him, "Next time we're betting with the girls."

Vector nodded and replied, "Agree."

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