( Movie Version ) Does Not Matter

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Knuckles was meditating underneath the tree in the Greenhills woods.

He was having a calm and settling moment in meditation.

All of a sudden, he hears a familiar voice said to him, "Hey there big guy."

Knuckles opened his eyes to see Sonic in front of him.

'Knowing this could mean something stupid' he replied coldly, "What do you want Hedgehog?"

Sonic sat down next to him and replied back to him, "Well? Uhh..."

Knuckles raised a brow and asked, "Whatever it is hedgehog, I don't have time for your foolishness. Now what is it that you want?"

Sonic replied to him, "Well? Knux I know it's been a while since we, you know and our adventures had a real twist and all. But, listen. I know we known each other for a little while but..."

He trails off as Sonic blushed while looking away.

Knuckles raised a brow and asked, "And what would that be? Ever since you found out about your birth parents and your siblings are alive and all. You've been a little hesitant around me."

Sonic looks down before he said with a blush, "That's cause I like you!"

Knuckles looks at him in surprise. He may not be on earth as long as the others have been but he wasn't dumb enough to not know the different types of likes.

Knuckles stood as Sonic did.

He sighed deeply and said as Knuckles looms at him, "Listen, Y-you have been so loyal and strong and very brave... I-it's some of the qualities that make me really attracted to you! I mean w-we really known each other for only a little while but after that vow we made, I-I started liking you more than a friend. I know it sounds absurd but... I..."

Knuckles cuts him off as he placed his gloved hands on his lips and said, "Not another word out of you hedgehog."

Knuckles removed his gloved hand from Sonics lips and said as he touched his shoulder gently, "Sonic. This won't happen I'm afraid. Don't get me wrong, I am flattered by your 'words of love' but, it's forbidden. Far more forbidden than your birth parents love. You are a supposed prince Sonic and I'm an echidna warrior. We are too different."

Sonic protested, "Doesn't matter what we are. I would love you so much. Yeah I'm supposedly engaged to Rika due to our birth parents pairing us up before we were born but, I only want you as my lover Knuckles. I don't care if this is forbidden."

Knuckles thought as he looked into Sonics pleading green eyes, "He does look beautiful I'll admit to myself. But it's forbidden. Entering himself in a forbidden love with me. Just like his true mother."

Sonic then said to him as he moved his face close to him, "Please Knux. Please, we can keep this a secret just between us. Just like how Mother did when she and Father got together."

Knuckles sighed deeply and said to him as he wrapped his arms around him, "Sonic. You are probably not aware of this. But it's also forbidden for an echidna warrior to fall in love with someone outside their tribe regardless of their gender or species."

Sonic looks down before he replied, "But, I will make an exception here. Just for you Sonic."

Sonic gazed into Knuckles eyes and replied, "You mean it Knucklehead?"

Knuckles nodded and replied, "Yes. Our love will be kept secret. Just as I will keep your secret as a prince."

Sonic sniffs and kissed Knuckles cheek and said, "Thanks Knuckles. You're the best."

Knuckles blushed a deep red and said, "It's not a problem Sonic."

Then at that moment, the two kissed on the lips underneath the tree Knuckles was meditating under.

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