Crime Of Love Part 5 (Mature Content)

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A week or two later: Tails was found guilty of all charges and was sentenced to life in prison. Sonic was also found guilty but his sentence was kept secret.

The other gang members that were caught were charged but their sentences were to 20 to 27 years in prison.

Blue-Guns criminal business was out of business on that same day.

Knuckles recovered nicely but still missed Sonic. Sonic himself spend his time in jail. He gets visits from Knuckles sometimes when he's not working.

Then the day finally came when Sonics sentence was up.

The blue hedgehog was in his cell alone. He felt peace that his name was cleared. But he missed Knuckles so much.

It was in the evening, almost time for the prisoners to go to 'bed'. That's when Sonics cell door was opened. He turn to see a blue female hedgehog 'assuming it's the warden' said with a strict tone, "Times up, criminal now get out."

Sonic asked as he stood up, "But I thought my sentence was...?" The blue female hedgehog interrupted, "No butts. Since you helped the chief of police to solve the Blue-Gun murder case, your Sentence was reduce to 40 days. Secretly. Your lucky you got a lighter sentence sir. Now get your clothes from the front desk and get out."

Sonic sighed deeply and said as he red the name tags, "Thanks Warden..Rika."

The female blue hedgehog 'was confused at first until she realized he thought she was the warden' and said, "Oh. Dude, I'm not the warden. I'm the first commissioner. Warden Amy Rose is on vacation with her girlfriend. I'm just substituting until she gets back."

Sonic understood before a cop escorted him to the front desk.

Once they arrived at the front desk. A male green bear with matching green eyes was sitting behind the desk.

The cop said to Sonic, "Stay out of trouble for now sir. Don't want you be sent here again." He then said as Sonic nodded in agreement, "You have a nice evening sir." He walked off as Sonic went to the front desk.

The male bear got Sonics clothes before looking around before he whispered, "Read the note."

Sonic looked to see something that wasn't there before. A note that says: Meet me outside the prison.

Sonic looked around before thanking the desk attendant. He went to the bathroom and got his clothes on and turned his jail clothes to one of the cops before thanking the cop and walked outside.

Once outside, Sonic looked around the dark empty streets. He didn't know what was going to happen. Until, a police car pulled up in front of him.

That's when Knuckles got out of the passenger seat and Sonic gasped in surprise.

Knuckles greeted him, "Hey Sonic." The blue hedgehog gasped and hugged him in tears. Thats when he asked, "But..I don't understand how did...?"

Grey-Sky then got out of the driver seat and said, "Well I convince the judge to give you a lighter sentence. But the judge said the chief of police is going to your parole officer. So your stuck with him for a long time. Just as long as you don't do anything stupid again."

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