Valentines Day Fun

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Knuckles and Sonic 'who both had lost a bet to Shadow and Silver and are now forced to wear maid dresses all holiday long' felt awkward when they were alone,

Luckily for them it's Valentine's Day.

Sonic said to him in a teasing tone, "Well it coulda gone worst." Knuckles replied angrily, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

Sonic replied, "Not my fault Silver cheated."

Knuckles protested, "I meant it's your fault for taking that dumbass bet Sonic."

That's when the cobalt hedgehog replied, "You took it too jackass."

Then the two started to fight 'saying who's fault it is and who's isn't'.

It was one of those childish fights you see in school grounds or typical sibling fights.

It was a little funny even when Silver and Shadow are watching.

The two hedgehogs watched while laughing. But that's when Silver had an idea.

He turns to his boyfriend and said, "How about we kick up this fun a notch."

Shadow smirked and nodded in agreement. He then took about a glass of alcohol and poured it into Sonic and Knuckles glass.

They weren't paying attention to what Shadow was doing to their drinks.

Sonic then teased Knuckles just after Shadow sneaked back to his and Shadows hiding place, "You know you're sexy in that maid dress. Did you do some serious workout?"

Sonic snickered as Knuckles growled at him before he said, "Oh yeah, well I can see your ass Sonic."

Sonic frowns at him for making that snarky comment as he blushed.

He tackled the red echidna to the ground as Knuckles was pinned down on the couch by him.

Sonic then said to him, "Wanna get down and dirty bitch?"

Knuckles blushed and said in shock and shyly, "Wh-Whoa Sonic. L-look I-I didn't mean to insult you like  that i-it's just that..."

Sonic then took out a small bottle of strong and orange flavored alcohol.

He chugged it, before getting drunk instantly before he chugged it towards Knuckles throat.

Knuckles gagged and cough and asked, "What the fuck was that?!"

Sonic answered in a tipsy tone, "Alcohol. Manic gave it to me just in case I need alone time to drown in sorrow."

He then said as he chuckled, "But to me, it's going to be fun."

He then proceeded to kiss Knuckles as Knuckles eyes widened.

Knuckles then said as he tried pushing Sonic away, "Mph~S-Sonic stop!!"

He then pins his arms on on the sofa as he kissed him.

Knuckles thought to himself, "Oh God~this is fucking wrong... But this feels good. So good. Might as well have fun fucking him."

Sonic kissed deeper but was surprised as Knuckles kissed back.

The two started having a rough time sexually.

Knuckles managed to set his arms free and grabbed his ass.

They moaned in pleasure as Sonic blushed a deep red while feeling the red echidnas hand on his blue ass.

The two broke the kiss as Knuckles panted and said, "So baby. Isn't this a fucking hot moment?"

Sonic answered, "Well luckily it's Valentine's Day. Though it woulda been sexier if I was wearing fake breasts."

Knuckles said to him, "Well that's one thing I'm glad that Shadow and Silver didn't make us wear. That be weird. But still. How about we take it to the next level?"

Sonic took off his frilly panties and answered, "Alrighty baby. Alrighty. Let's get sexy."

Knuckles did to the same before Knuckles stood up and Sonic can feel his cock entering his ass.

He also spread his legs and wrapped them around his back.

The blue hedgehog started bounce on Knuckles cock while the two groaned in pleasure.

Shadow and Silver were starting to have nosebleeds while looking at the two in the living room.

Shadow said to Silver, "Guess we didn't need to slip something in their drinks."

Silver replied, "Yeah, Though if we had sex I may wear fake boobs."

Shadow blushed before he looked away. Sonic and Knuckles started to groan louder as the heat and sexy increased a little faster.

Sonic panted and gasped from each bounce as he said, "G-Good God... Oh fuck Knux!!! IT IS FUCKING HOT!!"

Knuckles said to Sonic while feeling his climax coming, "Oh Chaos Sonic, y-your ads is so tight."

Sonic gasped and panted while sweating and blushing.

He started to moan louder while both boys screamed as they came.

The stick substance stained their maid dresses as they collapsed onto the floor.

Knuckles asked, "How was that?"

Sonic answered, "Fucking awesome." He kissed Knuckles gently and said, "Happy Valentine's Day Knux. I love you."

Knuckles replied as he smiled, "I love you too baby. I love you so much."

The two laid down before they started to make out.

Shadow and Silver were having a nose bleed in their hiding spot as Silver 'who besides Shadow cannot take back what happened' said, "Next time, we let them win."

Shadow replied, "I agree."

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