A Beautiful Birthday Gift

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A/N: This takes place in Sonic Generations and after the whole 'Time monster' incident. You probably get the idea.

Right after the birthday party, Sonic needed some alone time at his place.

He gotta call from his mother 'Aleena' wishing him a happy birthday 'despite Sonic sharing a birthday with his siblings'.

He told her everything that happened. By the time he finished, she said, "That was surprising I'll give you that. But I'm glad you were able to save the day again Sonic."

He thanked his mother and said, "Okay. Thanks Mom. I'll come visit when I have the chance. I gotta be honest. I strangely miss sharing a birthday with my sibs."

Aleena 'on the phone still' replied, "Well it's natural to miss your family honey. I know it was difficult for you and I wished I kept you three but..."

Sonic replied, "Mom you have nothing to apologize for. You did it for a reason. And that reason was the prophecy. Besides even if there was another way to fulfill it without giving us up. We still search for you."

Aleena 'sighed in relief' as Sonic said to her, "I don't blame you for what happened Mom. We still love you. Oh, how's Sonia doing?"

Aleena answered him, "Well? She's doing well. As for Manic? I tried calling him to wish him a happy birthday but he's been busy trying to find your father."

Sonic asked, "Still on the search?"

Aleena answered, "Still on the search."

He let out a chuckle before he hears a knock on the door before hanging up, Sonic said to Aleena, "Alrighty Mom. Well I gotta go. One of my friends is probably here to visit. I'll talk to you later. Love you Mom."

Aleena replied, "I love you too my fast little boy. Happy birthday."

Sonic replied to her, "Thanks Mom. See you."

He hangs up before walking to the door 'assuming it was Amy'.

He opens the door as he said flatly, "Amy for the last time. I don't want to be bothered."

He then sees Knuckles and greeted, "Oh. Hey Knux. I thought you went back to Angel Island after the party."

Knuckles looks down and said, "Actually. You and I  need to talk."

Sonic asked, "About what?"

Knuckles then said as he blushed, "Well? I-I got something that I didn't get a chance to give you while the party was still on. Try meeting me at the Aqua Gardens when you have the chance."

Sonic blinked but he shrugged.

<a little bit later>

Sonic and Knuckles had a bit of conversation about what happened after Sonic met up with him at the Aqua gardens.

Knuckles asked, "That you from the past. It was just you after the prophecy was complete right?"

Sonic answered, "Of course it was Knux. If it was me before the prophecy was complete the past me woulda had the medallion on. Past Egghead woulda been uglier as he was when he destroyed my home. Besides you and I both know I haven't... I repeat, haven't met Tails until after."

Knuckles muttered simply, "That is true."

Sonic sighed in relief and asked 'changing the subject', "Well. All of that aside for now. What is it you wanted to show me since it's still my birthday?"

Knuckles went down on his knee before he took a deep breath and said, "Sonic? I know this is sudden and I know what you've been through today is a bit, surprising but..."

He trailed off as he showed a small box. Sonic gasped and said shyly, "Oh, Knux t-this is so sudden."

Knuckles then took Sonics hand and said, "Sonic? I feel like you and I have been together and...I want you to ask you."

Sonic blushed as he felt shaky between his legs but that was when Knuckles asked as he opened the box and revealed a sun and moon pendant, "Will you go out with me tonight?"

Sonic sighed in relief before he answered, "Uhh, sure."

Knuckles stood up and said with a chuckle, "Hehe, you looked like I was going to ask you to marry me. Geez Sonic I know we have known each other but come on, you outta know by now that I don't rush into things."

He laughed as Sonic blushed in embarrassment and replied, "Yeah. I should have."

Sonic then kissed Knuckles on the cheek and said, "I love you Knux. But yeah. I like to go out with you."

He looks at the pendant and asked, "How did you get this pendant?"

Knuckles answered, "Well I had a 'friend' help me pick it out. I mean. I know yer not very keen on you being a... you know but... I was just..."

Sonic puts it on and said, "Well I like it. It's really beautiful. Thanks Knux."

Knuckles stood up and replied, "Anything for you my love. But listen. There is going to be a day where I will ask you to marry me but that will only happen when we are in a legal age too."

He kissed Sonic and said, "That day will come where I will for real ask you to marry me. I promise you it will."

Sonic chuckled and winked at him and asked, "So we still going on that date right?"

Knuckles replied as he locks arms with Sonic, "Yeah we still are."

The blue hedgehog then said as he and Knuckles walked off, "Ya know. I'm glad you are my boyfriend Knux. That is the one thing I actually wanted. A date with you."

Knuckles blushed and replied, "Ehh Shux. I love you ya cocky hero."

Sonic replied to him with a kiss on the cheek, "Love ya too Knucklehead."

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