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"Ah, so actually this question requires this formula to answer, isn't it?"

"Yes. See, it's quite easy isn't it? Better study hard or you'll end up like those suckers in the End Class hahaha!"

The only time the class had unity was when they insulted Class E. I sighed in disappointment and left the class, since I had no club activities for the afternoon. I looked towards the baseball field where the members were practicing for the interschool tournament. Well, at least they had something to work hard for other than studying.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see a group of students jeering at someone standing by the fences. The student wore a wristband and had spiky black hair, just like the rest of the baseball team members. However, he wasn't treated as nicely as his other teammates.

"Hey Sugino, have your grades gone up yet? We can't have a low ranking student as one of our members you know?"

"Losers belong where they should be, I guess Class E must be where you're supposed to be!"

I turned away and walked onward. It has nothing to do with me. I have to blend in or else I will get that same treatment too. Still, it was hard to not ignore the harshness of student body against Class E. Soon the group lost interest in the guy and left him standing alone outside the fence, looking dejected and sad. However, there was something beyond that sadness and anger in his eyes. Hope. I glanced from the baseball field and to him again. Could he be... still longing to play baseball?

He left shortly afterwards, ignoring the glares of the other students. I on the other hand remembered that I had a counselling session with my class teacher, so I hurried on to the staffroom. There was Yukino-sensei, waiting for me and gesturing me towards the empty chair opposite her.

"So Ashiya-san, I've been told that you're the only one who left her career application papers blank. Would you mind telling Sensei why did you do that?"

I kept my silence instead. Why should I trust you, who was one of those people who had mocked Class E? Instead, I replied indifferently.

"I've no goals or dreams for the future. I'll decide along the way."

She fished out a piece of paper, which had my name on it. There was nothing written in the boxes, unlike the other students. She shook her head and sighed.

"Ashiya-san, people often work a lot harder when they have a goal in their minds. Your grades are average at the moment, but at this rate you will end up in Class E. You don't want to be put into Class E, don't you?"

I shook my head immediately. I had to convince her that I was one of the robots here, or else I might have to be sent to the counselor.

"Sensei, I believe that one can work hard without having a goal in particular. I can try to get a better grade even without them."

The teacher leaned in closer towards me with a look of disapproval.

"That won't do, Ashiya-san. There has to be something that you want to do, something which only you can do. Could it be your interest clashes with your parents' interest?"

Not parents but practically everyone in this school, I silently retorted in my head. The teacher took my silence as a yes and leaned in forward with concern.

"Ashiya-san, you don't have to listen to what other people say. If there's something you want to do, then you should go for it. Even if everyone else is against it, you should just do it. Nobody has the right to take away your dreams."


I kept quiet, feeling the weight of her words. She may be one of those 'people', but her words had a ring of truth about it. Before she could go on in another of her famous endless lectures, I hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, Yukino-sensei, I'll take your advice to heart and properly think about what I want."

"Good, Ashiya-san, it's great to have the motivation to solve your problems. See you tomorrow, Ashiya-san!"

"Bye, Sensei."

I left the staff room and headed for the mountain to relax. Being among nature helped me rearrange my thoughts and let out the stress of my horrible school life. I sat down on the grass and cast my gaze upwards. Today was really a cloudy day.

"A goal huh... What do I really want to do in the future. Hmm, seems like a tough nut to crack."

I let my body flop onto the grass, feeling the tickling sensation of the grass under my arms and head. What's the rush in all this anyway? It's not as if the whole world depended on me and my choices anyway. Even if I did my best, someone else would always reaped the benefits. There's nothing worth trying hard about in the first place.

I was about to close my eyes when something shone in the sky. I squinted to see what it was, standing up as I did so. Once I realized how fast the unknown object was travelling, I hurried out of the way and hid behind a tree. The moment the object hit the ground, leaves and dust scattered everywhere, almost blinding my eyes. When it did clear out, I squinted my eyes at the thing in front of me.

Its back was facing me, but I could make out the shape of an octopus. A big, fat yellow octopus dressed in a black cloak and necktie. He wore a necktie with a crescent moon emblem on it and his smile stretched along the whole length of his face. Two dots for eyes faced me, who stood rooted to the spot. The bag of coconuts held by tentacles dropped onto the ground with a heavy thud. My mind began to spin.

Wh-Wh-What is that thing?! Is this real?! I-I'm dreaming aren't I?!

With that smile still on, the monster actually spoke, but he sounded panicky.

"Nuaaa! I've been spotted! What should I do what should I do?! There's simply no choice, I must hide the evidence!"

The flustered (?) octopus approached me and reached out its tentacles. I gave a slight shriek when those tentacles wrapped themselves around me, like I was some baggage. Without warning, it took off again, taking me along with it. All I could do was scream.


I've actually been kidnapped by an octopus. How hilarious.

Immediately, I fainted after that.

Assassination Classroom: A Case of MurderWhere stories live. Discover now