Doubtful Thinking

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"Time to go dumpster-diving~!"

I said that with mock cheerfulness. The smell of the huge dumpster in front of me was awful and I really didn't want to know what the smell was, but I have to. If I wanted to solve this mystery, then I have to be ready for all sorts of stuff. Including rummaging through rubbish. I pulled at my gardening gloves and straighten my gym shirt's collar while gulping.

"... Here goes!"

I held my breath and opened the hood. A horrible, foul smell almost knocked me out cold, yet I somehow survived that and examine its contents. Everything was tied in black plastic bags, so I took out a stick and poked each bag carefully. Finally I heard the sound I wanted to hear; the sound of broken glass. I fought against my disgust and took out a bag, which jiggled with glass pieces. After washing the bag, I emptied out the contents carefully onto a piece of newspaper.

"Now then, to assemble the pieces altogether..."

I muttered that to myself before spending three hours gluing each piece together. The end product was really a flask, but something was missing. I smiled and flipped the conical flask over. The base of the flask had a huge part of it missing, which closely resembled the glass shard that had injured my hand. My guess was right.

Was it safe to assume that Kuromatsu was the culprit? If so, then what was his motive? Nevertheless, I knew I had to ask the person himself. If it really was him who broke the flask, then I could confirm who was the culprit.


"? I didn't break any flask."

I gave him an incredulous look.

"What? But I just checked the book, it has your name written on it."

The big guy furrowed his eyebrows. Looks like he really didn't hear anything about it.

"Excuse me? Are you telling me that someone wrote my name to cover their crime?! Hey Captain can I be excused from training? There is something I must do."

One of the guys at the other end of the court yelled back at us.

"Yeah sure! See ya Kuromatsu!"

Grabbing his bag at one side of the court, he gestured at me to come.

"Alright! Let's go!"

I followed the athlete from behind, scared a little from how he was fuming from anger. From here, I could deduce the fact that this person had the intention of harming me from the very beginning and used someone else's name to cover up their crimes. How despicable! Kuromatsu and I entered the science lab and flipped open the pink book. There it was, Kuromatsu's name was the only name written because of a broken flask. Seeing that, Kuromatsu almost tore the book in rage.

"That bastard! How dare you frame me for something I didn't do! Look at this, this handwriting! Isn't it obvious it's not mine?!"

He whipped out several of his schoolbooks and handed them to me. True enough, the handwriting was really different. Kuromatsu who seemed to have cooled down suddenly grabbed my shoulders, which made me drop the book.

"Listen Ashiya, once you find that bastard bring him to me. I'll show him a lesson he'll never, ever forget! Got it?"

I nodded quickly and once he was satisfied with my answer, he let go of me. He then collected his books and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Anyways, thanks for letting me know about this Ashiya, or else I'll never get to clear my name over a crime I did not commit. See ya around."

"See ya around, Kuromatsu."

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