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"So that's why you got moved to Class E."

I nodded and slung my bag on the hook attached to my desk. I sat by the window again and behind Nagisa. On my right was supposed to be Isogai, but he was still in the hospital so his seat was empty. Seeing that empty seat beside me strengthen my resolve.

"Anyways, joining Class E is one of my objectives after all, so this situation worked out in my favor at least."

"You're quite cunning yourself aren't you, Ashiya Yuzuha-san?"

I gave Karma a glare and smiled sweetly at Karasuma-sensei.

"Now that I'm a student of Class E, I get to undergo the assassination training too right?"

Karasuma-sensei sighed in defeat. I felt pleased, now that I had cornered Karasuma-sensei.

"Well, it is compulsory for every student in Class E to take part in the training..."

"Nufufu~ don't forget, no assassination attempt is allowed during lessons. Other than that, you are free to kill me."

I nodded while smiling.

"I look forward to that Koro-sensei."


I didn't look forward to the training, surprisingly.

"Karasuma-sensei, do I have to play this as well?"

"Of course, it's part of the training."

"Okay, winner gets to shoot off one of Koro-sensei's tentacles~"

"Nuoo?! I didn't agree to that!"

We were all gathered at the field and Karasuma-sensei was just finished drawing a huge circle using chalk on the ground. He stood up and patted dust off his hands.

"I will be the cop and all of you will be the robbers. Once I've caught you, you'll be trapped in this circle until one of your friends bail you out. If I manage to catch all of you in an hour, then it's my win. If I don't get to catch all of you within an hour, it's your win. To make the game easier, I will let you have a ten-second head start as soon as the game begins. What do you say?"

We exchanged looks among ourselves and nodded slowly. Through experience they told me of what happened before in the last game and it was very intense. For me who barely had any training, this sure was going to be disadvantageous. Bitch-sensei who stood at the sidelines held up the starting pistol. I gulped and poured all my focus into the game. Having Karasuma-sensei chasing after you sounded like a nightmare.

"On your marks, get set, GO!!!"

In a flash, everyone headed to different directions, fleeing as far as they could from Karasuma-sensei. I too headed aimlessly into the forest, trying to find the best place to hide.

"Found you."

When did he catch up to me?! I dashed forwards and avoided Karasuma-sensei's hands, but his assault didn't stop there. He continued trying to grab ahold of me at a fearsome pace. Sweat formed on my forehead. This person was a monster!

"You're pretty good, an average person with no training should have been caught by now. Do you take up sports?"

"No, not once."

"It's as if you've receive training before though during childhood. Is your father involved with the military?"

"I don't remember, he died when I was still really young."

I don't know why, but my body felt as light as a feather. Perhaps it was the adrenaline helping me evade Karasuma-sensei's attacks but it was not for long. Finally he got hold of my wrist.

Assassination Classroom: A Case of MurderWhere stories live. Discover now