A Target

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Ever since we found out that I had become an assassination target, things weren't quite the same anymore.

Every day after school I could find a Class E student hidden just outside the gates and they would somehow escort me to the classroom. On the way back home, it was the same thing, I had to be escorted back as well. Sure it was frustrating as hell being protected like a princess, but it was no use trying to talk it out with them.

"There's no telling when they'll come after you Ashiya-san! You have to be more aware of the situation you're in now!"

In the end, I let them have it their way and sighed in defeat. Koro-sensei and I were outside sitting on beach chairs, watching Class E undergoing a training routine let by Karasuma-sensei. Strangely, he didn't try to chase me away or something, looks like Karasuma-sensei really did intended to let Koro-sensei be responsible for me.

"I kinda understand how you feel now Koro-sensei, since now I'm an assassination target as well."

"Nufufu~ it'll be a good experience later in the future. It's amazing how all your friends here are actually doing their best in trying to protect you, yes?"

"Well, I can't deny that. It's just that I really want to know why I'm being targeted. I'm not even rich nor am I someone important, so why does someone want to take my life that badly? Why do it in such a roundabout method?"

I stopped once I realized that I had been doing but rambling to Koro-sensei. There was the tentacle-patting-my-head thing again.

"Sometimes, it's best not to overthink things so much Yuzuha-san. It's better that we focus on the 'now' rather than questioning everything so quickly."

I sighed happily and leaned back in my chair while watching my friends doing their routines. It sure looked fun.

"You sure are relaxed for an assassination target, Koro-sensei."

"Nufufu~ indeed~!"

Koro-sensei's words echoed in my mind as I closed my eyes. Focus on the 'now'... wait what about the past? My eyes fluttered open and I shook Koro-sensei from his afternoon nap. The porn magazine he held fell out of his tentacles.

"Koro-sensei! Koro-sensei!"

"Nuaa?! What is it Yuzuha-san?!"

"I may have a tiny clue but it's about one in a billion chance sort of thing!"

"Well? What is it?"

I hesitated a little before replying. Was I going to make myself look stupid again?

"Maybe, maybe we can find out why I'm being targeted through my past! I'm sure there's something there that might be a clue!"

"? Your past? Nuo?"

I could practically see the question marks floating about Koro-sensei's head. Then it hit me; I haven't told anyone yet.

"Ah, sorry I forgot to make myself clear..."


"You've lost your memories before?!"

The whole class yelled that in unison as I said that. I laughed awkwardly while I tried to shake it off.

"Yeah, I've no idea how it happened but I was thinking perhaps there's a clue somewhere in my lost memories. It may sound far-fetched, but if we're looking for a reason why I'm targeted, it's best if we cover all grounds."

"I agree with Ashiya-san. Right now we have absolutely nothing that might lead us to the culprit, so we should search every corner properly."

One by one I could them nodding their heads. Koro-sensei looked pleased, although I had no idea how I could tell since he practically smiled all the time.

"Nufufu, then let us do just that! What are your earliest memories then, before your memory blank?"

I closed my eyes and searched through my head. Various images popped out here and there was the empty space where my missing memories should have been. I searched even further and selected the one I was looking for. I opened my eyes once more, while keeping that image fresh in my mind.

"Hmm... around from when I was 7 I guess, I still remember going on a trip somewhere with my grandparents..."

"Your memory's quite good Yuzuha-san, actually you took a trip with your grandparents once to New York and cried because you left your teddy bear behind at the hotel."

A huge blush formed on my face.

"If you've already investigated my life then why didn't you say so you dumb OCTOPUS?!"

In just a few seconds books and albums scattered all over his desk and Koro-sensei's blurry figure steadied itself. I peered in for a closer look and froze.

"Koro-sensei when did you raid my HOUSE?!"

"Nufufu, it's a secret. Now then everyone, this is when Yuzuha-san first learned how to walk-"


I hurriedly snatched the book held up by Koro-sensei for all to see and a couple of others away.

"Hey Ashiya-san c'mon let us see your baby photos~"

"DEFINITELY NOT! I'll only let you guys see the others, just not these!"

While I yelled that I took a strike at Koro-sensei with a knife. Sadly he dodged it again and again.

"Nufufu okay okay I was just kidding!"

"Oh Yuzuha-chan you look so innocent and cute before! What happened?"

"Nothing happened Nakamura-san!"

"What's this? Ashiya-san you sure were a crybaby then."

"Are you guys going to keep making fun of me or WHAT?!"

I spent the whole afternoon doing just that, ranting about and stuff though on the inside, I was feeling a little happy. It felt nice, knowing that everyone wanted to help me out like this.


"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!"

I walked together with Isogai down the road, still trying to wipe away the blush on my cheeks. Isogai chuckled seeing my face like that.

"It must be rather embarrassing, having your friends see your photos like that."

"Of course! It feels like my whole life has been exposed or something!"

A little while later I cooled down and changed the topic.

"But on another note, it's also fun in a weird sort of way, viewing pictures together with everyone even though they're my pictures."

"That's Class E for you, when we do something everyone's committed to that particular thing. It sure does feel nice, doesn't it?"

I elbowed his arm with a playful smirk on my face.

"And who's the one behind all that huh, Mister Class Rep~?"

"I-It's not just me you know, everyone in Class E's also responsible for making that happen-"

Isogai stopped talking and he suddenly pushed me away from me. I fell onto the road and grazed my arm, but that wasn't the point. Isogai's body jerked violently once and slammed onto the ground. I hurried over and turned his body around. There was a bullet in his right shoulder, and blood was spreading quick, soaking his uniform red. My vision began to blur. My heart dropped.

"Isogai-kun?! Isogai-kun!!!"

He lolled over when I tried to shake him awake. He was already unconscious. Quickly I carried his body back to the mountain, taking shelter behind some trees. My eyes darted about for the shooter, but nobody else was around. My blood turned cold.

If Isogai hadn't pushed me out of the way, then I may have been the one who got shot instead. In the head. My blood turned cold.

Someone out there was really desperate to kill me, and I do not know why.

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