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"Koro-sensei! Koro-sensei!!"

Nagisa yelled for the octopus-like monster as soon as he burst into the class. There was the teacher, and the rest of his classmates. They had gathered in the classroom as soon as they got Nagisa's urgent phone call.

"Nagisa-kun?! Those injuries! What happened?!"

Nagisa panted for breath and had his friends hurriedly fuss over him.

"Ashiya-san... Ashiya-san has been kidnapped! Some men came in a white van attacked us, there were too many of them! They got Ashiya-san and kidnapped her!"

The atmosphere grew tensed in an instance. Kayano was the first to react.

"So where is Yuzuha-chan now?! Where is she?!"

"I don't know! Before she was taken away she mentioned someone's name. Tomonaga Hakuto or something like that..."

Koro-sensei who had been silent the entire time finally turned around. His face was as black as thunder and the aura around him had grown malicious and evil. Nobody dared to make a move.

"Tomonaga Hakuto... he's the CEO of Chronos Enterprise and a political figure in the National Japanese Union Party. Ritsu!"

The Ritsu in Nagisa's mobile phone nodded and the sound of keys clicking resounded in the atmosphere.

"Tomonaga Hakuto is the founder and current CEO of Chronos Enterprise, an international trading company and he was just a mere figure head in a political party until he rose to fame somewhere around nine years ago."

"That's around where Yuzuha-san lost her memories right? Ritsu, search for any relations between Yuzuha-san's family and Tomonaga Hakuto!"

The clicking keys continued while Ritsu spoke.

"Tomonaga Hakuto was friends with a lot of people but his closest friend was Ashiya Yuusaku, the police chief. It's been said that Ashiya Yuusaku died due to a heartattack, but there isn't any other info."


Nagisa walked towards the whiteboard with a determined look on his face.

"Ashiya-san told me something seeing a man who looked very familiar to her holding something in a package in one of her memories. Could it be related to his death?"

"A package... a package... Ah I get it, it's drugs isn't it?"

Everyone directed their stares at Karma, who still looked quite relaxed despite the situation. Koro-sensei whose anger had ebbed away calmly asked Karma.

"What lead you to that conclusion Karma-kun?"

"Tomonaga Hakuto rose to fame around nine years ago right? Around that time
Ashiya-san lost her memories. Around that time too there was that breaking news about how the police found traces of cocaine in a warehouse which had been burned to ashes. Did she say anything about a label with a code on the package?"

"She did say she saw some numbers on a label on the package."

"That must be it. Tomonaga Hakuto was involved in the drugs industry somehow and Ashiya Yuusaku found out about it. So, Tomonaga Hakuto killed Ashiya Yuusaku and had the whole place including the warehouse burned down to the ashes to hide the evidence-..."

"However, he didn't realize that Ashiya Yuzuha had saw him murder her father. Maybe he did notice but thought he had killed her along with her father in the burning mansion. That's why he didn't take any action till now."

"Then, then what about Mikage Ayaka? What's her role in this?"

Ritsu suddenly piped up.

"According to my data, Mikage Ayaka's brother, Mikage Aoki was an employee at Chronos Enterprise. He disappeared three years ago and until now his whereabouts are still unknown."

"It makes sense now, the letter Mikage Ayaka received was from Chronos Enterprise. They were holding her brother as hostage and made her do their dirty work. Because she didn't kill Ashiya Yuzuha, she ended up getting killed as punishment. She was just used as a puppet."

Silence followed after those words. Each one of them had a mixture of anger, grief and pain on their faces. It was Koro-sensei who first broke that silence.

"Yuzuha-san is probably held captive within the heart of Chronos Enterprise. Ashiya Yuzuha is one of us now, we have to go rescue her. Who is coming with me?"

All the twenty-seven students raised their hands up in unison. Somebody had tried to kill a student of Class E and they had to pay back the favor.

They weren't just an assassination class for nothing.


"Find her! Make sure she never leaves this building and capture her alive!"

The guards rushed past Yuzuha without batting at eye at where she was hidden.

Yuzuha was currently hiding on one of the floors, hidden in one of camouflaged air tunnels which formed a maze throughout the whole building. Yuzuha had to admit, she was thankful she was small enough to squeeze through the narrow tunnels. She was about to cross an air vent when she saw the guards rushing past below her, causing her to shrink away further in the tunnel. Yuzuha steadied her breathing and fished out her phone. Of all the bloody things that had to go wrong, it was her phone being out of battery.

GOD. DAMN. IT!!! I can't stay in these tunnels forever, I need to find an exit quickly!

And that was exactly what Yuzuha decided to do; she crawl through the air tunnels even though she didn't know where it ended and found herself in a dead end in front of an air vent. She cursed under her breath and peered through the gaps. It looked like nobody was around. Using the penknife she stole, Yuzuha carefully removed the air vent from its sockets and properly screwed it back in place. If she left it open just like that, the guards might see it, change their plans and start heading downwards instead. Given the guard's pace, she only had fifteen minutes left before they start heading downwards again. Yuzuha then stood up and examined her surroundings.

Empty grey walls with holes for doors lined the corridor before it made a sharp turn to the right. Yuzuha peered into each room and found that each room had the same design. Most likely, this place was going to be an apartment or a hotel from the looks of it. As she went through the each room, something finally stood out from the ordinary. Just outside the space for the window was a suspended scaffold, dirty and unsteady but more importantly, fully functioning. Yuzuha ran for the machine and cautiously looked out and up the building. The guards were still there on the roof, but they weren't looking in her direction. Still, even if she did get into it the sound of the machine operating would surely get their attentions quickly.

There's guards down there too! I need something to distract them. Something noisy, something that will really get their attention...

It was really fortunate that science could help her in this case. However, her plan was a rather risky one. Yuzuha headed to one of the boiler rooms on the other side of the floor and smiled to herself. Lady Luck had to be on her side for this once, because the main switch for the water heaters was already on and that made the whole thing a whole lot easier. The black-haired girl quickly turned each water heater's thermostat to the max. Now that her props were ready, Yuzuha checked her watch. Five more minutes to go. Without wasting anymore time, she flipped the switch and ran.

It took only three minutes for the water heaters to cause a huge explosion which literally wrecked through five floors of the building. The impact sent Yuzuha flying straight to into the suspended scaffold and somehow she managed to survive that without getting ripped to shreds. However, the tremors and shaking didn't stop right there; half the lower part of the building had been blown to bits and slowly the upper part of the building started to lose stability. Yuzuha was somewhere in between the two, hanging onto the cables to prevent herself from getting shaken off the scaffold. Maybe she shouldn't have used all the water heaters for her diversion.

"Over there!"

Yuzuha looked up to see her pursuers aiming their guns at her. However, they didn't do that for long; cracks began traveling up the whole building causing them scatter about for safety. She stared up in horror to where the cracks were traveling to. It didn't take long for Yuzuha to understand what was going to happen.

She was going to fall to her death in a matter of seconds.

Assassination Classroom: A Case of MurderWhere stories live. Discover now