Planning the Mission

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The next morning Layla and I were walking to our first hour class, English literature. We were reliving what went down yesterday after school. I guess I should be more clear, I was reliving with what happened yesterday. I had this big dopey grin on my face and it would not go away. I was really excited, but in the back of my head I knew my subconscious was nervous.

"Are you excited for this weekend?" Layla asked.

I smiled widely, "Of course I am Lay. It's not a date, but I get the chance to hangout with him one on one."

We turned into our classroom, and strolled over to our seats.

"I guess I should have known. I am very proud of you for even asking Josh that. That takes a lot of guts for you," she grinned.

"Thanks. It would not have happened if Beck didn't literally push me though," I added.

"Yeah that threw me for a curve ball."

I grabbed my pencil and started lightly tapping the eraser end on the desk.

"It was very odd, and I want to know why he did that," I pondered.

She leaned out of her chair, and started, "Tara, maybe he was just trying to-"

"Lay, don't even finish that sentence, I know what you're going to say," I interfered.

"What?" she questioned crossing her arms.

I rolled my eyes, "You were going to say that he was trying to be nice by helping me and blah blah blah."

"Yes I was, and I think you should thank him."

"No. Why would I want to do that?" I implored setting my pencil back down on my desk.

"Tara, just do it, because you and I know that you're a good person. And remember the fact that you're hanging out with Joshua Spring all by yourself this weekend," she insisted poking my shoulder with her index finger repeatedly.

I chuckled, "Okay, I guess I can't argue with the truth."

"Thank you. I had a feeling that I was right," she quipped.

An array of students started making their way into the classroom. I was trying to keep an eye out for Beck, as I was observing many guys and girls strolling in.

My gaze traveled towards the clock on the wall, and I realized that class was starting in a few minutes. I honestly shouldn't be surprised that he was going to be late, again.

I directed my attention back over towards the door, and as if on cue I saw him. Beck was walking towards his usual seat in the back with his backpack over his shoulder. Luckily for me he turned down my row, and heads toward his desk.

"Morning Beck," Layla grinned.

"Sup Layla," he yawns.

I raised an eyebrow, confused, as I'm watching them both.

Did I miss something here?

Beck starts walking away, and doesn't even acknowledge me. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes annoyed. I didn't even get the chance to say thank you. The nerve of him.

"Go tell him," Layla voiced quietly.

I got up out of my seat and sauntered in his direction. He was just staring at his notebook on his desk, in a daze.

"Hey," I said.

He looked up, and sheepishly replied, "Hey Terror."

"Tara," I corrected. "Look I wanted to say thank you for yesterday. You didn't have to do what you did, but I appreciate it even if it upset me."

"Well I know I didn't have to help you. The only deal I made with you was to help you with the dance, not with your personal life or god forbid your love life. I really only pushed you, because I wanted you to stop drooling over him during our committee planning time. So that's the last I should see of that, but nonetheless you're welcome," he slightly grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. We'll see you after school then."

Damn, he's annoying and frustrating.


Many hours went by and school was almost over for the day. Layla and I had a couple minutes left of study hall and then we were back to the gym planning out our decorations. I wondered if Beck was going to be early again today. Knowing my luck and his attitude this morning I would say most likely not.

"Do you think he is going to be on time today?" I asked Layla as my eyes studied Beck from across the room.

"I don't know, how would I know," she shrugged.

"Well I just thought you would know since you two are so buddy buddy now," I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean?" Layla asked puzzled.

"You were acting almost like friends. Yesterday I did see you two chatting while I was by Josh."

She sighed, "Well yeah we were talking because we didn't want that awkward silence while you were gone. Tara, you know that if you honestly try to talk to him, and look past whatever he does that irritates you, he really isn't that bad of a guy."

"I'm sure that's possibly true. Where do you think he goes after school?" I asked dismissing her statement.

She rolled her eyes at me and responded, "Um I don't know, I don't really care."

"Layla," I rested my hand on her shoulder, "are you not a little bit curious to where he goes?"

"Hmm, I guess a little," she pondered.

"See, it's not just me."

"So what are you suggesting that we do? Follow behind him throughout the school, and then once we get outside hop in your Jeep and drive a safe distance behind him without him realizing that it's us," Layla asked.

I smirked, "Precisely."

"Wait no. I was clearly kidding Tar," she said wide-eyed.

"But I'm not."

"You're serious?" she questioned.

"Yes. Lay I thought you would be down to do this. Usually you're the one who enjoys doing fun activities and being a little wild and out there," I teased.

She nodded, "That is who I am."

"Well this one time that I want to do something daring you decide you don't want to. Can you do this for me, please? I would appreciate it," I begged folding my hands.

She sighed, and nodded, "Okay fine, I'm in. But if he catches us and gets angry it's totally your fault."

"Of course," I grinned.

I was excited about this quest. I wanted to finally get down to the bottom of this.

I grabbed all of my materials as the last bell rang.

We both stood up out of our seats and my eyes watched Beck.

"Let's do this thing," I muttered.

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