Slipping into Another World

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After lunch I went straight to work washing off all of the lunch room tables. I had no idea how many people at this school were truly messy eaters. I understand if you're younger but when you are a teenager I mean come on. One of the tables had spots of chocolate pudding on it, and gum stuck to the corner. Why are people so disgusting?

As I was halfway done with the cafeteria I noticed Beck walking by, and I prayed that he didn't see me. It wasn't because I was embarrassed of my punishment but I knew he would have something to say about it.

I turned around with my back towards him, and leaned down on the table to wipe the pudding off.

"You know that I can see you, right," he chuckled.

I sighed and turned around.

"I do now."

He looked me up and down and his eyes observed the wet rag in my hand and the bucket of soapy water sitting on the floor.

"What are you doing?" he questioned crossing his arms.

I motioned my hand towards the tables, "What does it look like?"

"Well I have two theories. You are either doing community service or this is the punishment Mrs. Greene gave you for yelling at me," he responded.

I rolled my eyes, "It's the second one."

"Wow, that's kind of unfair," he scowled.

"How so?" I asked confused.

"I get in trouble and I have to help decorate a stupid teenage dance but when you get in trouble you just have to clean cafeteria tables," he explained.

I grinned, "Hey if you can't do the time then don't do the crime skater boy."

He rolled his eyes as I watched his mouth turn into a grin. He really does kind of look nicer when he's not frowning.

"What is this, an early two-thousand's cop movie?" he chuckled.

"Ha ha funny," I retorted, "Shouldn't you be in biology class right now?"

"How did you know that I have that class right now?"

"I'm in the class with you doofus," I said wiping down another table.

"I'm surprised that you even noticed me. I thought the only guy you ever kept your eyes on was Josh," he quipped.

I giggled, and shook my head, "Don't change the subject and just answer my question."

He sat down on the table that I was currently washing and pulled out his phone.

"If you really wanted to know I had to go to the restroom. But since you have a moment I wanted to ask your opinion on something," he informed.

I set my rag back in my bucket, and took a seat right next to him.

"What is it?"

"So during lunch Layla sent me a text and said that she wanted to talk to me about something. Do you know what it's about?" Beck inquired.

Of course I knew what it was about but I didn't want to spoil it for Layla.

"Nope," I lied.

"Are you sure? I just thought that you would have information," he cocked an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head and shrugged, "Sorry I don't. Maybe it has something to do with decorations."

"Okay if you say so, but somehow I don't believe you," he grinned.

Beck had every right not to believe me considering our history the past week or so. I was hoping that after this little white lie I wouldn't have to anymore, because maybe deep down we can truly become friends.

"Whatever Brat," I rolled my eyes.

I got up, grabbed my rag from the bucket and went back to washing the table.

"Terror, you know that you should ring that out, you're going to hurt yourself. I can see it now," he muttered.

I scoffed, "What are you, a psychic? I'm not going to hurt myself."

He huffed, "No I'm not, but you're leaving puddles of water on the floor. You could easily slip."

Why did it matter to him? It's not like Beck and I were friends and I didn't even realize that he had a caring bone in his body.

"So why do you care?" I quizzed grinning. 

"I'm just trying to help," he answered standing up.

"Well I'm fine," I went to my bucket to wet my rag, "I don't need your advice."

In that brief second karma was out to get me. I didn't notice that more water dripped off my rag and onto the porcelain tiles. I started walking back to the table I was cleaning, but unfortunately gravity took over. My foot slipped and I was preparing myself to hit the floor.

But thankfully I didn't. I blinked a couple times aware of the fact that my life almost flashed before my eyes.

I peered straight ahead and Beck was right in front of me with a worried expression on his face. I looked down and that's when I felt his hands on my hips squeezing gently steadying me.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach, and it was nothing like I felt before. It must have been the panic that was inside of me for that brief moment. At least that is what I was telling myself.

I gazed up into Beck's eyes and saw a slight twinkle. I told myself that I wasn't going to lie anymore and I would be if I stated that his green eyes weren't pretty. But in all honestly all eyes were pretty.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "thanks for catching me."

"You're welcome, but that's what you get for not listening to me," he smirked.

I giggled and stepped back.

"Yeah I guess unfortunately I was wrong, and I hate being wrong," I stated.

"Oh I'll have to remember that," he joked.

"You should get back to class Mrs. Henry might get worried," I grinned.

He sighed, "Yeah I will. Are you okay though?"

I nodded, "Yes I'm fine. Just get back to class."

"Yes ma'am," he saluted.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that Brat."

"Whatever Terror," he grinned and walked away.

I got back to work and finished washing the rest of the tables. My brain every so often went back to that weird moment. It wasn't like how it would have felt if it was Josh, because it felt different. It was weird and different. I didn't know how else to describe it.

I put all my cleaning supplies away and headed to my locker. I grabbed my biology material and strolled to Mrs. Henry's class. I walked in and sat next to Layla as Mrs. Henry was discussing about natural selection. Thankfully we didn't have seating charts in that class and our table was in the back.

"Hey, is everything alright? You took a little longer today," Layla whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine, I got a little distracted," I whispered.

Layla nodded and her attention was right back at the front of the room.

As I was listening to Mrs. Henry I glanced over to the other side of the room and observed Beck. He glanced back at me with a grin and that's when I knew the world was upside down and things were about to be weird.

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